necessary endings henry cloud summary
Reduced to an amnesiac cardsharp called "Johnny", the Doctor managed to regain his memory, and convinced the Dark Matrix that the Valeyard was using it. (PROSE: Head Games) When the Eighth Doctor had a tarot card reading, the Seventh Doctor was identified as "the Hanged Man". Wondering why it was there, they encountered a Galyari trade team. (AUDIO: Collision Course), The Doctor works with his other selves within the Void. This gave Sutekh time to convince Thutmose, Hatshepsut’s son and successor, that his mother was plotting against him, and have him lead a conspiracy against her. He found the stones on the planet interesting and stole a lot of them as a legitimate scientific interest. Having infiltrated a Time Lord base on Tersurus to gain the only two dimensional nodes in existence, the Master had planted the first on the Tolians's planet and the second on Earth. (PROSE: Timewyrm: Exodus), After defeating her on Kirith in the far future, (PROSE: Timewyrm: Apocalypse) the Doctor entered into a final battle with the Timewyrm within his own mind. However, the interference with the timeline caused Edie to be transformed into a zombie-like state of limbo, and the Doctor realised that the misdiagnosis had never been genuine, and that the whole series of events were part of a time experiment conducted by Major Dickens. (AUDIO: Klein's Story), After travelling together for a while, the Doctor and Klein arrived on a planet inhabited by the insectoid Vrill. He was kidnapped by Jerak, the other half of the Malus war machine which he had defeated in his fifth incarnation. (AUDIO: Afterlife), Taking Hector on a trip round the universe's beauty spots, the Doctor became worried when Hector started to pilot the TARDIS. She survived, infiltrating his TARDIS and torturing his mind. The Doctor stopped the War Chief's plots of stealing his remaining regenerations, killing Ace as a human sacrifice and building a Nazi army to conquer the galaxy. Annoyed by his persistent questions, the Doctor took Miff to the Metebelis Bar, where the patrons attacked him when he claimed to be the Doctor's friend. However, en route to Gallifrey, (TV: Doctor Who) while the Doctor was lost in his thoughts, (PROSE: This is My Life) the Master escaped from his casket in the form of a Deathworm Morphant and damaged the inner workings of the TARDIS console, forcing the TARDIS to make an emergency landing in San Francisco on 30 December 1999. (PROSE: Culture War) He could also identify blood samples by taste, (PROSE: Bad Therapy) see ultraviolet light, (PROSE: The Room With No Doors) and perform a biochemical analysis by drinking chemicals. The reigning leader was trying to avoid an election for fear of losing, and was using his power to stage terrorist attacks and discredit the parties that stood against him. The Doctor used maxenshudicea to cure the infection. (PROSE: Five Card Draw), While he had a full set of brown hair after his regeneration, (TV: Time and the Rani) the Doctor allowed his greying hair to grow out into tufts on the sides of his head, while it thinned a bit at the top of his scalp, by the end of his life. Group Captain Gilmore was trapped in the Crook's ship with a Markarian, which kept him in stasis until he was discovered by astronauts in 2029. (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks) However, as he got older, his power of persuasion weakened, with the Doctor unable to convince Grace Holloway not to operate on him. She was foiled by the alternate timeline's Doctor and erased from history by the Time Lords. (AUDIO: A Death in the Family). (PROSE: Of the Mermaid and Jupiter), The Doctor decided to broker a peace on the planet Shanquis. (COMIC: Follow That TARDIS! though would later slip up on his promise long after she had left the TARDIS. Later, he had to make a version of Tyrgius' mask to stop Cleon's controlled army. The Doctor and Sutekh fought for the control of the body and mind of the Time Lord, with Sutekh winning in the end; he then proceeded to the flesh looms in the tomb, to create himself a new body. They helped her stop an alien take-over of the planet by Rufus and his minions and saved the Sin Eater. He was later arrested for treason and placed in prison. (PROSE: Transit) The pair then encountered a group of ancient Pureblood Sontarans, (COMIC: Pureblood) and returned to the planet where the Doctor had first met Xenith, where he set the computer free. (COMIC: Operation Volcano), After reading a book on Roman history which mentioned a mysterious advisor to Julius Caesar, the Doctor and Ace went to northern Italy in the year 49 BC to ensure that he crossed the Rubicon, which was a fixed point in time. To make up for this, the Doctor told Ly-Chee a riddle, but again he failed to realise that it had an incredibly simple answer. He was rescued from the Daleks by Abslom Daak, and together they learned that the Daleks had enslaved the native Helkans to mine helkogen. (TV: Dragonfire), Deducing that Ace had been deposited on Iceworld by his old foe Fenric, (TV: The Curse of Fenric) and that he could no longer avoid his responsibilities to Time, the Doctor planted an idea in Mel's head, encouraging her to stay with Glitz with the intention to put him on the right path, and to urge the Doctor to take Ace with him. (PROSE: Transit) While the Doctor originally thought he would "beat chance and choose the moment to die", he later confessed to Benny that he knew he would die "[without] control, surrounded by strangers, [and] helpless." (PROSE: Birthright), After they found 1993 London in ruins and under attack from various aliens species, the Doctor, Ace and Benny learnt from the White Guardian that the Black Guardian had changed history by preventing the First Doctor from leaving Gallifrey, and that they needed to find the segments of the Key to Time to undo the damage, with the segments having been dispersed along the Doctor's time track. (AUDIO: Forty-Five), The Doctor, Ace and Hex arrived in Egypt, 1902, and encountered a young Time Lady named Jane Templeton. (PROSE: Cat's Cradle: Warhead) He did, however, have a soft spot for jazz music, (TV: Silver Nemesis) almond slices, (PROSE: The Dimension Riders) the Beatles, cats, (PROSE: Return of the Living Dad) science fiction, (PROSE: Bad Therapy) baseball, (PROSE: Illegal Alien) composer J. S. Bach, (PROSE: The Algebra of Ice) The Wizard of Oz, (AUDIO: The Settling) liquorice, and apricotts. Ministry Insights can come from anywhere, and business books are an untapped source of wisdom. He discovered the the Light had been present on the planet for centuries and planned to use the Starfire weapons to destroy America to put the UK back on top as that was why the species invaded the UK in the first place. (AUDIO: False Gods), The Doctor, Ace and Hex travelled to the island of Mendolovinia in 33 AD to help solve a code, but fell into a trap laid by the Order of Simplicity. The Doctor and Ace discovered that the brothers were using powers from another dimension to raise an army out of the young people who came to party at their club, recruiting them to fight a war between their people and a militaristic race. The Doctor departed, leaving it up to Nimrod as to what he would choose. (PROSE: Set Piece, Infinite Requiem, Return of the Living Dad), Ace thought that in his "get-up", the Seventh Doctor resembled a "dance-hall comic". (AUDIO: The Fearmonger), The Doctor tasked Ace with preventing time travelling criminal duo Harmonious 14 Zink and his wife 1V Magda from interfering with established history on the planet Erratoon. After burying the Master in an avalanche, the Doctor was able to liberate his friends by tricking the Cheetah People into a net. (PROSE: Happy Endings) When thinking about rewards he could seek for his actions, the Doctor thought about "the smile of a baby child, the first sunset on a soft and new-born world, [and] the taste of the purest spring water, untouched by any pollution of Man's making." However, before they could leave, the trio were arrested as spies and brought to the banquet hall, where a Cyberman statue was unveiled, and the Doctor's warnings about the dangers of Cyber-technology were ignored. Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second-smallest planet in the Solar System, being larger than only Mercury.In English, Mars carries the name of the Roman god of war and is often referred to as the "Red Planet". ; His first encounter with a tarantula resulted with Nico successfully capturing it in the first try. (PROSE: Birthright), When the Fourth Doctor used his TARDIS tuner to begin a temporal meta-collision with his other incarnations, the Seventh Doctor learnt that Earth was under threat from a pandimensional entity that had trapped his fourth incarnation in his TARDIS. (AUDIO: The Blood Furnace), He decided to deal with some unfinished business. (PROSE: Anti-Matter with Fries), The Doctor and Ace travelled to the Campbell Ancestral Home in 1830 Scotland to assist Maid Mackenzie with the elderly Campbells, but found that they were actually Aeroliths being held captive by the Master and a Gulwort. Managing to enter the building's inner sanctum, the group discovered that the entire planet had been a trap for Sheldukher, who had stolen the Cell from its creators, who were desperate to regain it. (TV: The Day of the Doctor), When he was exposed to energy from a time storm, the Twelfth Doctor degenerated through all of his previous incarnations, including the Seventh Doctor. (COMIC: A Switch in Time! He got worried when Cornelius used the Forge's catchphrase. (PROSE: The Ripple Effect). The Doctor recognised the reincarnation and only then revealed to Sutekh that he had been tricked. (PROSE: The Ripple Effect) He also distrusted the Ice Warriors, even after they renounced conflict. Once he reached the chamber containing the Nestene Consciousness, he distracted the Autons long enough to enable Mel to destroy their link with the nearest Nestene world, thwarting their plans of conquering the Earth. After arriving at Colditz Castle during the Second World War, the Doctor was shot in the shoulder by Nazis as the TARDIS was confiscated, and Ace was captured. (AUDIO: You Are the Doctor), After visiting a seemingly haunted house where he solved a murder mystery, (AUDIO: Come Die With Me) and becoming involved in a heist in the Grand Betelgeuse Hotel, (AUDIO: The Grand Betelgeuse Hotel) the Doctor managed to stop a Galparian plot to eradicate all life on Earth in order to sell the planet. The Doctor visited the court of Elizabeth I, and persuaded her to send Jared Khan on a fool's errand, spent five years teaching Mikhail Popov English in St Petersburg so that he could help Bernice in London, and arranged for Herbert Asquith to have Bernice released from Holloway Prison. (COMIC: Endgame), After seemingly freeing the planet Azimuth from Dalek occupation, (AUDIO: Daleks Among Us) the Doctor and Ace spent Christmas with the wheelchair-bound David Merrison, whose family had disappeared. Seeing that she had been successful, the Doctor arrived to pick her up, intending to restore her memories using the TARDIS. Despite their animosity, they worked together to solve the mystery of the alien virus and prevented a Cheylis plot to use Earth as a testing ground for biological warfare. Much to the horror of his fifth incarnation, the Seventh Doctor then tricked the Ferutu into destroying their own timeline by holding the Machine in the vortex at a point where it would collide with its past self, the older Machine being destroyed while the younger one crash-landed in the past to set events in motion. There, the Doctor learned that the entire facility was in fact a prison for three dormant Karnas'koi. He discovered that one of the former rulers controlled the justice system and that it was forced into slavery. (COMIC: Technical Hitch), The Doctor materialised inside a television programme on a world populated by non-humanoids, where he was mistaken for a character called "the Professor" by two other characters, the Gherax and Thyron, who believed that he had merely forgotten his script. They found a community of mathematicians led by Thea, who believed that they had discovered the pattern of the TARDIS's landings on Earth and could thus predict the time and place of their arrivals. Roundtable-style discussions, live then archived. The two relaxed on another planet, where they roasted marshmallows and watched the Kepler alignment, only to be interrupted by the Cloister Bell. The Doctor gained an ally in the Nazis' commander, Luther, who sacrificed himself by blowing up "the weapon", saving the planet. (TV: Silver Nemesis), While travelling in the TARDIS, the Doctor received "junk mail" advertising the Psychic Circus. After defeating the Bannermen by causing their leader, Gavrok, to fall into his own trap, he bid goodbye to Delta, her daughter and a human, Billy, who had fallen in love with Delta, as they departed for the Chimeron hatchery. (COMIC: Comic Relief Comic), Becoming increasingly concerned about the multitude of alien beings which had recently been drawn to Earth and the TARDIS' own limited scope of travel of late, the Doctor began to suspect that the Mandragora Helix had survived within the TARDIS, and shared his suspicions with Ace. (PROSE: Deceit) Returning to a life of TARDIS travel, Ace decided to take revenge on the Doctor, manipulating him into committing murder in order to make him pay for his amoral actions. Enraged, the Doctor banished Koloon back to realm of the Elder Gods with a warning to fear him, and was forced by Ace, who was unwilling to accept the death of Hex or the loss of his memories, to take Hector with them in the TARDIS. He thought that the people who ran the justice system didn't fully understand their inherited laws. The Doctor built a trap to draw the Fearmonger out of Harper; however, even when he managed to trap Harper, it still didn't come out. He realised that he was being used in a con. Joey almost made the Doctor tell Hex the truth about Cassie. Cheap paper writing service provides high-quality essays for affordable prices. (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks). (COMIC: A Cold Day in Hell!) These problems might be so great that the article's factual accuracy has been compromised. However, the programming had gone wrong and there were no other people in the dreams Vayle was having. However, Kane committed suicide when the Doctor showed him his planet no longer existed and that there was no-one for Kane to enact vengeance upon. Encountering the Dar Traders, the Doctor discovered that the disease was a sentient virus called Decay, which preyed upon all matter. The Doctor found a weapons auction intergalactic commercial being presented by Garundel, and realised Garundel was auctioning Schalk alongside a prototype of the persuasion machine.