neverwinter nights scimitar

Gladiator Club: Ironwood and a magic club. Here's what each henchman is looking for and where to find it. You can just kill him outright. And killing it won't get you through the door. She will also provide you with a supply of wine for Musharak. Choose a henchman that complements your own abilities--if you're a spellcaster or a rogue, for instance, you'll want Daelan or Grimgnaw to keep enemies preoccupied in melee combat. Inside, you'll face a gang leader (2nd-level fighter/5th-level rogue), who will be pretty tough if this is the first area you've visited. This begins the J'Nah's Request quest. Aarin welcomes you to Luskan with bad news. Equip your torch and set them on fire for a bit of experience. When they're alerted to your presence, they'll vanish and you'll have to fight a small army of lizardmen. Here are the pedestals and the cantrip to cast: Waters of Wisdom: Flare Fires of Knowledge: Ray of Frost Column of Air: Acid Splash Shower of Earth: Electric Jolt. Paladins rejoice. With the wise wind in hand, return to the library. Return to the foothills and then make your way north to the Nether Mountains. Check the bookshelf in the back and you'll find the forged official document needed for Tomi's henchman quest. Your final stop is the stables. Accept the quest, and then fight your way through the undead hordes to The Shining Serpent. Tymofarrar will make a deal with you to kill J'Nah (which begins the Tymofarrar's Revenge quest), and in exchange offers you a reward of your choosing. Quest: The Elven Test The blue line marks the safe path to the center. Rune Hammer: Adamantite and a magic war hammer. You can determine which gem to put in which pedestal by examining the tablets. Talk to Hemmel Masterson, who traded an amulet to Callik in exchange for safe passage out of Neverwinter. Disarm the trap on the library door. Be sure to take a henchman with you, because you won't have another chance to hire one until Chapter Two (there are plenty of undead in your immediate future, so Linu is a good choice for nonclerics). The Pendant of the Elf +3 adds three points to your dexterity and grants you darkvision. The first level of the Bloodsailor's hideout is fairly straightforward. Ron Dulin It can also shoot spikes. If you haven't guessed by now, Gulnan is the Yuan-Ti necromancer needed for the main quest. The minister can also be convinced to give wine to Musharak if the hobgoblin converts to the Ao religion. The Arcanist's Tower C. Shield Guardian D. To the North Fragment. In a chest among the rubble, you'll find an old scroll with three words that stand out: "NETHER SHALL RULE.". Continue to the northeastern room, where you will meet the seductress herself. With each brazier's destruction, a creature will appear. Once she's safely out, the Ogre Caves await. Threaten him and he'll drop his auction notice, with a map for the docks conveniently printed on the back. Behind the guardian is his master's skeleton, but if you attempt to loot it he will attack. There are only two secondary quests in this chapter. J'Nah is a 12th-level sorcerer, and Quemozeng, her quasit associate, is a third-level outsider. You can skip the basic interface tutorials, but you must complete your class training in order to proceed to the Graduation Chamber. In the western passage at the far end, you will find three tombs. Look in the Pool of Swirling Color and take the gems. It's time to start looking for the boss. His offer: Kill Ali instead, with a dagger he will provide, and he will give you a powerful item. He does pay more, and evil characters will want to consider his offer. Climbing down will require a dexterity check, and if you fail you will fall and sustain some damage. Cycle your hotkeys out frequently as you learn new spells and abilities. The door to his lair is guarded by a 13th-level Yuan-Ti necromancer. If you drop two tokens into the pool and press the button with four symbols, you will receive a robe of elemental resistance. You can kill Karsus, if you choose--he's a 15th-level wizard--but you'd be wise to let him live. There you'll find the corpse of Torin, Jemanie's lost brother, who has passed to the other side. The Maze C. Skeleton Chieftain D. Throne Room E. To the Hall of the Dead Wind. If you're a rogue, speak with her to get the Art Theft quest. The priestess gets her power from the two gargoyles behind her, but she's not too tough even if you don't destroy them. Received From: Automatic Location: Temple of the Winds Experience: 5,000 Status: Required, Received From: Automatic Location: Undrentide, East Fragment Experience: 5,000 Status: Required, Received From: Automatic Location: Temple of the Winds Experience: 0 Status: Required. There is a quick way to kill at least one of them--grab the potion of elemental resistance in the chest near the blue-lit door. In the summoning chamber, you'll find a trapped demon. In an armoire you'll find the tower entry key and a small diary, which tells of Aribeth and Maugrim's alliance. A. Then search the room in the northwestern corner for the high captain's seal. More interestingly, though, you'll find Garg's book and a silver key. Before entering Blacklake, visit the abandoned house in the northwest corner--inside a desk you'll find the iron ring needed for Grimgnaw's quest. He'll ask you the name of his clan, and you can answer "Mirialis" if you've read the treatise. When you kill the head gaoler (6th-level fighter), something strange will happen: A creature will jump out and quickly take over one of the nearby guards. Proceed through the desert to the bedine camp. Again, you must flip the switches to proceed. Read "The Confessions of Karsus" to return to the library. Finally, teleport to the Hall of Justice and deliver the heart to Aribeth. More importantly, though, he has supernatural assistance. Commander Damas has some tasks for you. You'll find Loxar in the remains of a tower located up the road. First, talk to Kendrack. Meldanen's apprentice, an 8th-level sorcerer, guards the stairs down. He's the militia captain, and he'll ask you to search for Samuel, an inspector who has mysteriously disappeared. Accept Formosa's quest to kill him and get his warehouse key--there are numerous resolutions to this story, but you won't need to decide on a course of action until you actually meet Meldanen. He'll tell you about Klauth's plan. When the pillar puzzle is solved, the portal will open. Kill them both, loot their loot (be sure to get Ganon's journal from the nearby chest), and return Dergiab's head to Gerrol. She'll ask for 1,000, but you can persuade her down to 400, or even 250 if you have a high persuade skill. Look into the birdbath, and you will see a pillar with an object on the floor nearby. When the lich is dead, search his body for the dark wind. The first thing you'll want to do is head to the prison and speak with Nax. Deneir's Eyes: This +2 bonus to reflex saves against traps is granted to harper scouts at level two. She has two suggestions as to creatures that may not be affected: a local nymph and a witch named Setara, who lives to the east in the Heart of the Forest. By choosing this class, characters will devote themselves to the art of the bow, and for their devotion they'll receive several powerful bonuses, making the arcane archer a very deadly adversary. When she surrenders, talk to her. You can intimidate her or just attack her to get the gem. Now go to the other three fragments of Undrentide (the east fragment, the west fragment, and the asabi camp), and disable the golems one by one. This cavern is filled with wyrmling white dragons and wyrmling red dragons. You'll need to visit the excavation site in the peninsula to access the three other tombs. Finally, it's time to kill Baram (12th-level rogue/8th-level ranger) and his attendant Priestess of Mask (6th-level cleric). Talk to the auctioneer while you're here--he's got some good stuff for sale if you have smugglers' coins. See the next page for details.