persona 3 fes vs persona 3

Siegfried is the dragon-slaying hero of the medieval German epic Das Nibelungenlied, most widely known due to its adaptation by Richard Wagner into a series of four operas, Der Ring des Nibelungen. Cures ailments. Increases information displayed on the target. Increases odds of Poisoning a foe by 50%. (25% of HP / 75% chance). Physical skills without a P3 cost were added in FES. (10% chance), Deals heavy Ice damage / Freezes all foes. )I like to keep my channel a friendly place where everyone can share their thoughts and opinions without being berated, so please keep it (not really clean, cuz I love dirty), but courteous. 1. Persona 3 sur PlayStation 2 : retrouvez toutes les informations, les tests, les vidéos et actualités du jeu sur tous ses supports. Doubles damage dealt by a 1-handed sword. However, the female protagonist only has one style: hovering with her arms stretched out and her eyes closed. Anyways, I'd been planning to buy Persona 3 FES for some time now as it was $10 cheaper than P3P on the PSN and has a 3D over world, animated cutscenes, etc. RELATED: Persona 3 vs Persona 4: Which One Is Better. The English version contains both The Journey and The Answer, whereas the Japanese Append version contains only The Answer. I always read comments, Even if I don't reply I likely saw it and just couldn't get to you in time. (8% chance), Deals medium Ice damage / Freezes one foe. Fully restores party's HP. 2 talking about this. The ps2 version FES or the psp version. Search this site. (100% chance), Deals light Elec damage / Shocks one foe. Deals light Pierce damage to one foe. User's HP becomes 1; Allies' HP restored. This topic has been deleted. (10% chance), Deals medium Elec damage / Shocks all foes. (35% chance), Light: instant kill, all foes (very high). Doubles ailment susceptibility to one foe for three turns. (40% chance), Darkness: instant kill, all foes (high odds). Low odds of revival vs Light magic. Doubles damage dealt by a 2-handed sword. Caina is a location in Persona 3 FES.It is the third door in the Abyss of Time.Caina is divided into three areas. 2,941 likes. There are ones for persona stats, and ones that are for … (1-2 hits), Deals light Strike damage to all foes. Deals ultimate damage to all foes (9999). (15% chance), Counter physical attacks (med odds). (35% chance), Darkness: instant kill, all foes (very high). (2-3 hits), Deals medium Pierce damage to one foe. Feyrbrand31 - 10 years ago. (25% chance), Darkness: instant kill, 1 foe (high odds). OSG: 4 trades FC(HG):2150-0374-3358 FC(White):3611-0329-0064 #2 (message deleted) User Info: ccrocker58. (1-2 hits), Deals heavy Slash damage to all foes. (45% chance), Darkness: instant kill, 1 foe. (10% chance), Deals heavy Elec damage / Shocks all foes. Automatic Matarukaja at the start of battle. Reduces 1 foe's Fire resistance to average. Yeah, there's no real true answer to the best version of Persona 3. Persona 3 FES is better, as it has a more open-style (at least in perception) compared to the Visual Novel gameplay of Portable. (1.5x "Tired" condition bonus). Brawl match rules: All items, Spear Pillar, Random Character. Sigurd was requested to slay Fafnirby Regin, his foster parent and guardian. Restores 1 HP upon death 1 time per battle. Displays enemy information (stats and resistances). I'm trying to get into the persona series and I'd like to play part 3. 1 Slash Skills 2 Strike Skills 3 Pierce Skills 4 Fire Skills 5 … (50% chance, revive with 1 HP), Automatic revival vs Darkness magic. (10% chance), Deals light Ice damage / Freezes all foes. (50% chance, revive with 1 HP), Automatic revival vs Light magic. Increases success rate of Darkness magic by 50%. (25% chance), Light: instant kill, 1 foe (high odds). (8% chance), Deals heavy Ice damage / Freezes one foe. y un nuevo episodio llamado The Answer, que sirve algo así como de secuela al juego principal. When i already have persona 3 fes for ps 2 is it even worth it, to buy persona 3 portable, since i dont wanna waste my money for a game i may already have. Oct 25, 2017 1,562. Persona 3 FES is an enhanced re-release of Persona 3 for the PlayStation 2. Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES; I thought Arcade Games changed Persona stats. Deals massive Almighty damage to all foes. Increases success rate of Light magic by 50%. Automatic Tarukaja at the start of battle. Persona 3 FES Social Links. Slightly inspired by the post of u/Frost_Kaizer. (25% chance), Deals medium Pierce damage to one foe. Persona 4 groups was dumb every time a new person joined it was like they were best friends in an instant and persona 3 you build their trust you start as acquaintances then build to best friends.Junpei is way better than Yoskue Junpei is like a true bro and Yoskue like a bitchy friend his social links were boring too just about that girl who died and hate being managers son … Automatic Rakukaja at the start of battle. Regin was the brother of Otr and Fafnir a… I'm going to get Persona 3 on PSN, but I'm not sure whether to get Persona 3 Portable or Persona 3: FES. Counter physical attacks (low odds). OmniImmortal 12 years ago #2. :: Persona 3 FES & Persona 4 :: ♪(´ε` ) And USE ENGLISH & ENGLISH & ENGLISH AND ENGLISH PLEASE!!!! The first section of Caina appears identical to the Yabbashah Block of Tartarus.The second section takes on the appearance of the first section of Malebolge.The final section appears the same as the initial area of Cocytus.On the 20th floor, there is a door into Akihiko … Fully restores party's HP but may inflict Charm (low chance). Dispels Panic, Fear, and Distress (party). The Differences Between Persona 3 FES and Persona 3 Portable. (8% chance), Deals severe Elec damage / Shocks one foe. Fin 2008, Persona 3 débarquait enfin en France dans une version FES particulièrement réussie. FES has The Answer, which is canon, as well as a better overall presentation, but the lack of party control and the fact that Portable is the only one to include FeMC and a few other things are reasons why you can't necessarily blindly chose FES over Portable. T… Restores all HP upon death 1 time per battle. Banned. Well, yes and no. Automatic Marakukaja at the start of battle. … Persona 3: FES incluye algunos cambios al juego original (nuevos Personas, algunos eventos, etc.) P3P includes the Journey, but not the Answer (as FES does; although, many argue that the Answer isn’t a ‘huge deal’ while others prefer FES purely due to the addition of the Answer). Accepted Answer. Physical skills without a P3 cost were added in FES. (2.5x multiplier). So i would appreciate it if someone could tell me how much has changed in comparison to p3 fes. (1-3 hits), Deals heavy Strike damage to one foe. (25% chance), Deals light Ice damage / Freezes one foe. Barrier that reflects physical damage 1x per ally. Barrier that reflects magic damage 1x per ally.