Dragon Quest 11 All Treasure Chest Locations Guide for Phnom Nohn Area.Dragon Quest XI Treasure Chest Playlist: https://goo.gl/kZhfRj Gallopolis City. Phnom Nonh. The Champs Sauvage area - access by going into light pillar on the western side of world map Mini Medal Academy Eerie Eyrie - Dungeon with Orb at the end Phnom Nonh > Dungeon and you get the Magic Key Snifheim - use Magic Key to get in Hekswood Royal Library - you will go back to Snifheim to get last Orb after story events Arboria Inside it lies the following treasures – Secrets of the Silversmith Recipe, and a Phial Sage of Elixir. Text content is available under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Treasure Chests: Phnom Nonh Agree to help her to begin Quest 56 - Sweet Dreams where you’ll need to defeat a Bongo Bongo outside using the Snooze ‘n’ Bruise Pep Power learnt from Sylvando’s Pursecutter ability. Gallopolis City. Phnom Nonh . PHNOM NONH. It is also the only marked location on the chart and should be easy to find. This page was last edited on 17 May 2020, at 18:32. A Red door can be found in the city of Phnom Nonh. After you take care of the new problem in Phnom Nonh, you'll get some goodies as a reward. When you open the map screen, what does the advice in the upper right corner say? Throughout your travels through the vast world of Dragon Quest XI, you will encounter various locked doors you won't be able to access until much later on. ... Phnom Nonh. Also, who do you have in your party right now? On your way to investigate, stop in at the house up the stairs east of the equipment shop. You will find the Red Door in the Gallopolis City near the Bazaar. CHAMPS SAUVAGE - WHALE WAY STATION. Once you have character 8, I think you have to go thru the Manglegrove to Costa Valor, do the events at Mount Pang Lai, then the events in Phnom Nonh, then get the ship back in Puerto Valor. Phnom Nonh Upon entering, you'll see a scene where you are introduced to the city, hear a tid-bit about the Nhou Wat Ruins (heh), and the team decides to split up. Phnom Nonh. Phnom Nonh Quest 17: Light it Up Reward: Silver Ore x10 This one will take some time to get right because in the Southern Champs Sauvage map, just outside of Phnom Nonh, it needs to be raining for these creatures to show up. Warrior World Issues; Web Games; Support the Den; Dragon Quest XI PS4 Overworld Maps Page 1. Lonalulu is a fishing town sitting far to the southeast of your nautical chart. Fly east, past the edge of the World Map, to the pillar of light above the Champs Sauvage in the west. Upon entering Phnom Nonh, you will realize that something is wrong. Phnom Nonh¶ Zoom over to Phnom Nonh for your next task and head up to the house opposite of Da’s to find a young girl looking for assistance. Square Enix.