Just wanna say some feedback from using this team. Damn bestfriends you are always under-exgerating (if this word exist in english) cmon 5k thats almost as cheap as 5k BP for completing pokedex. Hp is maybe not so much because sometimes they get outsped and one shotted(It could just be that im bad or unlucky). I haven’t been to Koga (iirc) since I haven’t been to kanto and I don’t know much about him but the BirbEQ strat should work. If I choose to build this team, are the levels of the Pokemon important? He's not really all that strong, but he can be really annoying, and you will find out why in … BirbEQ loses to this because Luxray has a Focus Sash and will cut in after Archeops unless Rock Slide hits AND flinches. Asked by Meta Rate My Team. Silver. Now it's just a matter of EVs, levels, and movesets. Why not give the Hoenn haters an opportunity to rematch Kanto gym leaders? Once you have the PokéGear … In Si… To celebrate its 25th anniversary, Pokémon has announced that the rap/rock superstar Post Malone will be headlining a virtual concert on Pokémon Day later this February, and the announcement video ended by revealing Post's virtual character. If you have multiple alts you can think about skipping ones with larger puzzles and just do 1 amulet coin per account with the shortest gymbattles. This is an Alternative set for Archeops since breeding Braviary is a pain. I used the Drought opener to beat this setup. If they die use Braviary and Vanilluxe. However, to re-match gym leaders, you must have defeated the E4 in the respective region you're in. This gym is unique in that the gym actually disappears. If you want you can give it Hyper Voice for coverage but not necessary. 1 Kanto Gym Leaders 1.1 Brock (Pewter City) 1.2 … If any one dies I switch to Kingdra for Dragon Pulse and H Pump/ Muddy water. These rematches add a new layer of difficulty and some new dialogue from the gym leaders, with one of them being Sabrina. For her rematch in Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver, Sabrina uses a level 54 Jynx with Psychic, Blizzard, Focus Blast and Perish Song. So without further ado let’s start! Instead, you have to travel across various platforms, as if they're on a sphere, and navigate across multiple levels. You can re-match gym leaders every 18 real life hours. The gym leaders do not use the same teams depending on the day of the week. I use the BirbEQ strat since steel Gyms have many steel / rock mons.You can also use the Typhlosion later if anyone dies. So give it a heat rock to prolong the drought effect. 1 The Gym 1.1 Access to the Gym 1.2 Appearance 2 Trainers 3 Reward 4 Tips 5 Trivia When you first enter in Junopsis City, a Pokémon Trainer Lass block the Gym's … They aren't needed anymore. Defensive ivs arent important for gymrunning as you want to oneshot everything anyways. Instead of being mostly Poison-type Pokemon, his team all knows Double Team and Toxic except for Ariados, which knows Baton Pass instead of Toxic. If Eq goes first then the Air balloon won’t be broken. Like the last battle, she utilizes her Roar-Mean Lookstrategy. Torkoal and Typhlosion the most used team for gyms bcoz of its raw power. but doing this in hoenn also would be awsome, cus im betting many players dont feel like doing hoenn or just purely dont know about it. Why? By using this site, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. So without further ado let’s start! Good morning fellow PokeMMO players, I would like to suggest something that could be implemented in the near future. Thus, this suggestion no longer has a purpose. You must first find each leader when they are away from their gym; they will be registered in the PokéGear and tell you a day and/or time to call them for rematch battles. 5k? It's easy! I use Braviary with rock slide to break baloons or sturdys and then eq with flygon so i think speed and atk are essential, maybe you could do just those 2 IVs. If any exist please don’t hesitate to tell me about them. The first time you only get to fight the Elite Four, then there is a diversion into some more of the game plot. However, there is a lot more to it than simply rebattling them. I’ll explain why it is used instead of ice beam later. Games Movies TV Video. But this is for Unova. You can use Archeops instead of its place but defeatist sucks. Pokédex . i think the main reason for only hoenn having rematches was in the real games u could register their phone number and then rematch them later. No need to worry, the paycheck will be nerfed down. Kanto Gym Leader Rematch! Really strong pair. Good evening everyone, I am glad to announce that the PokeMMO developers made Kanto Gyms rematches a real addition to PokeMMO. Archeops has Choice band bcoz of its speed which doesn’t need much boost but with choice band its attack jumps massively which is good for it. Building 187 Rooms F03/F04, Cranfield Airport, MK43 0JR . Pairing it with drought makes it almost unstoppable in gym rebattles. Gym leader's teams in Pokémon Stadium tend to be a little odd, with many gym leaders not using Pokémon that fit their type specialty. If I have made any mistake please don’t hesitate to notify me. When you use the Pokénav Match Call feature, you’ll see Wattson wanting a rematch after you venture freely for a while. 9-10k seems more reasonable, if it's even reduced at all. No way is that worth the effort. Do they have to be all at 100 or is it enough if they are around 65/70 and gradually go up? Sign up for a new account in our community. Pokémon Q&A; Pokémon Rate My Team; Chat Room; Meta (Suggestion Box) Other pages; Pokémon News; Maps/Puzzles; Pokémon name origins; About/Contact us ; Search. These are the only two moves you will need. Ash comes back to the Gym, facing Lenora, who evolved her Lillipup into Herdier. A: No. The Gym Leaders are the same as in the original Pokémon Red and Blue games. His team is also strange compared to many others, consisting of … … I use the BirbEQ, Rock Slide here also. Gyms which it is good for: Rock, Flying, Ground. The Gym Leader is Annette. Thanks, i was thinking about just doing the ev stats 3x31, 6x31 is too damn expensive for the entire team. It was on the pts, you will have to wait for it to hit live. I use the Birb Eq and gradually move over to the typhlosion. Really focused on those Affect all attacks, to speed up LVL up and mob attacks. Kanto leaders can be rematched after defeating the Elite 4 and Johto leaders (also Giovanni) can be rematched after defeating Mt. Can also be 3 turns 4 out of 5 gym specific set and 1 annoying hard set is 4 turns.For example sabrina furret protect is almost impossible to win in 3 turns unless u have a poke with feint or something. This team is very efficient in that regard. I can understand having it reduced some, but not that much. Gyms which it is good for: Steel, Fire, Rock, Electric,Poison. Otherwise Canaclave Steel gym is a massive toss up no matter. Some Trainers are scared away by … Only the occasional Rotom- Wash and Elektross pose a problem but they die to rock slide. but they are just not cutting it. Choice scarf is mainly on Braviary to break Air balloons which I will explain later. Sign up for a new account in our community. Cilan appears in Pokémon Black and White as the Gym Leader of Striaton City's Gym, alongside Chili and Cress. Byron isn't surprised to find that his inexperienced son lost to the protagonist, but is enthusiastic about the next generation of Pokémon Trainers. But having the goal to try to win in 3 turns is most important and since this guide says its best team for gyms you should post how many turns it takes for each gym. Since Generation I, the player's rival plays a key role within the game, occasionally giving hints, helping out or even challenging the player to a rematch. If giving the economy the other free 100k with another gym run is too much then Kanto Gym re-challenges will not happen. I did 31 hp atk and speed on Flygon and Braviary. maybe its the poor attacks I chose for them. The Junopsis Gym (Japanese: アヤメジム / Ayame Gym) is the first gym the player will visit in the Tohoak Region. The reason why you can get 100k from Hoenn Leaders is cause to give an exact amount would be too much for the amout of work you do. I use typhlosion and torkoal. Trainers appear to float over it, standing on an invisible floor. A user of the Ghost type, Morty is known as \"The Mystic Seer of the Future\". Unlike the generation one games, players are able to rematch the gym leaders after they have defeated the Elite Four and become Champion. You can also start with Braviary and Typhlosion and use U-Turn to get a kill. Ideally with an amulet coin active? just go for 31 atk + speed, rest can be random. Mix Play all Mix - Slyzer YouTube; Pokemon Red & Blue - Gym … It is based on Bug-type Pokémon. The only reason I choose this over Typhlosion is the occasional Claydol evo that comes. The Hoenn story takes a lot more effort to complete than Kanto. I start with the BirbEQ stratergy and if they die then I switch to Muddy water or Blizzard depending on the opponent’s pokes. Its the most important factor even tho other stuff like having to heal as little as possible and pick the best specific route on your team to heal as little as possible is important too. If anyone dies I switch to Braviary and then Kingdra for their coverage Rock Slide and Dragon pulse. Earth power is not necessary, I don’t have it on my Torkoal, it just provides coverage. Against this team I think I brought Kingdra/Torkoal so Kingdra's Swift Swim could hit Floatzel while Torkoal tanks. The double intimidate stratergy used sometimes by iirc Chili using Stoutand and Arcanine is irritating but you should be able to pull it off. QOTD-1 In Emerald Which Gym Leader do you like the most? Sometimes, it is difficult to find that sweet spot. However, their teams have been altered to include fused Pokémon. If i'm not making at least 100k from battling 8 gyms of 6 level 80 poke's each. Pokémon SoulSilver - (Rematch) Gym Leader Falkner - Duration: 3:51. It is the main Dragon killers and blizzard gets 100 Acc in hail so thus snow warning. Ground/Steel gym can also have Excadrill which always moves first in the sandstorm setup it always has so BirbEQ loses to this and Drought would be the preferred start. - "/vp/ - Pokémon" is 4chan's imageboard dedicated to discussing the Pokémon series of video games and shows. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? The rock slides take care of thhe Dragon/ Flying mons like Dragonite, Altaria and Salamence. Using the Blizzard strat also works since Clay also starts with Gliscor and Torterra sometimes. September 21, 2016. In gym battles, you are only allowed to use as many Pokémon as the Gym Leader. Well first of all thanks to the creators of this awesome game. February 19, 2021 Posted by: Category: Uncategorized This badge allows for Pokémon up to level 90 to obey Tips: Occasionally for Water gyms when Empoleon appears feel free to make Torkoal use Eruption to break Empoleon’s teammate’s item if any. I started with Roark. Use Flygon and Braviary together. Gyms which it is good for: Dragon, Flying, Grass, Rock ( to an extent only ), Ground. Pokémon Uranium Wiki. I imagine that's something you get more efficient with as time goes on - memorizing gym puzzles and the like. 9 WORST: Abra (Pokémon Yellow Gym Battle) As veterans will know, Abra could be one heck of a pain in the Game Boy to catch … However, their Pokémon are exactly the same. And there are times when I over exaggerated (like Gift Shinies for completing OT Dex). This could possibly teach people how to overcome their fears of Hoenn. Don't forget that Byron can use a lvl 1 Sturdy Aron with endeavour, I started to make a sheet for gym rebattles, with everything written down (so far only Kanto and Hoenn), - 1 team for all battles (natures, IVs, EVs, moveset), - 3 round every gym leader whatever their team, https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1d8PAFjhQAt4zvyUj048UoCWOVHuZO4cZCO-BbC7Ftu4/edit?usp=sharing, You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Morty is a follower of legendary Pokémon, and trains in Ecruteak so he may be able to see the rainbow bird Ho-Oh. Pokémon by type; Pokémon by base stats; Tandor Region New Features … Great guide btw! Byron asked Riley to become a Gym Leader, but Riley declined because he thought Byron's son Roark should be considered first. Category:Gym Leaders | Pokémon Uranium Wiki | Fandom. Braivary is a really good birb. Or do people ever just avoid certain gyms for that reason? Extrasensory is not at all necessary but it does help a bit for coverage. Ocassionally Braviary either gets KOed or Flinched which sucks. Gyms which it is good for: Fire, Flying, Bug, Ice, Normal. If its the same amount of work then you should earn the same amount.. But overall the idea is great they can add it since almost no one does island runs anymore.Or they can reduce the amount of money the isle npcs give then add this feature. Wikis. 3:51. if you only have 1 account it only makes sense to do all gyms. Yes, but thats on a competitve standpoint. Both abilities are ok. Gym Leader Rematches. Cilan battles the player if Oshawott is the chosen starter Pokémon. Why not give the Hoenn haters an opportunity to rematch Kanto gym leaders? Which it uses to toss out Aqua Tail and one-shot my Typholosion. He is friends with Eusine.The body of Morty's Gym is a dark pit. I hope Kanto can also become a battle ground for gym leaders as well as Hoenn. Wiki Content. Make the stats you invested EVs as 31s. pokemmo gym rematch cooldown. If earning too much money is a problem, which it always is, then why not make it so you can only battle one region every 6 hours. I heard people having to do the sevii island quest again after beating blaine,which was a glitch when hoenn gym rematch feature was implemented.So I think this will take some work (not sure if the glitch was real tho). Login; Register; All Activity; Questions; Unanswered; Tags; Users; Ask a Question; Rules; Chat; How do I rematch the Gen 3 gyms in Pokemon Emerald? Q: Do I need to use the Vs. Seeker or PokeNAV to re-match? So, this guide is for all those people out there who are struggling while battling gyms and are dying to the harsh Gym Leaders. Some people absolutely hate Hoenn and avoid it at all costs (I tried to convenience these players otherwise). By Why not give the Hoenn haters an opportunity to rematch Kanto gym leaders? One of my favourite starting pairs. As for a team, I can try to come up with ideas.... Brock: Steelix, Omastar, Kabutops, Golem, Aerodactyle, Tyranitar, Misty: Starmie, Quagsire (for water absorb), Lanturn, Kingdra, Lapras, Milotic, Lt Surge: Rachu, Electrode, Magneton, Jolteon, Ampharos, Electabuzz, Erica: Venusaur, Meganium, Tropius, Exeggutor, Parasect, Ludicolo, Koga: Weezing, Muk, Arbok, Nidoking, Gengar, Crobat (just like in the Johto GBC games), Sabrina: alakazam, medicham, xatu, jynx, Slowking, Espeon, Blaine: Charizard, Typhlosion, Magcargo, Camperupt, Houndoom, Blaziken, Giovanni: Rhydon, Steelix, Nidoking, Quagsire, Flygon, Piloswine. Gyms which it is good for: Grass, Water, Bug, Normal, Ice, Steel. Thank you for putting in rematch abilities in the Kanto gyms. Trainers who defeat him will receive the Mine Badge, TM91 (Flash Cannon), and will be able to use Strength outside of battle. Because of its access to Eruption through levelling up it is widely used. Thanks anyway though! HeartGold/SoulSilver gym leader rematches Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver continue the trend of trainer rematches. I'm very interested to hear your story! If there are any flaws or improvements that you want me to know about, let me know down in the comment section! This way the payout can also stay the same. Just figured it out. I tried battling at the same time every day or starting with the same Pokemon only to find that the teams changed despite this. I can battle a NPC trainer again for 5k. Trainers who defeat her receive the Elnath Badge. Seeing a digitized Post Malone sparked the question, which six Pokémon would this music icon have on his team if he … Keen Eye sucks. So these are the Strategies / Pairs you can use to start with. I use the Double rock slide and then the Blizzard spamming. So you would get more of an allowance from Hoenn gym leaders than Kanto ones. You might see pokemon dies since fighting mons often have Rock coverage. Bestfriends, This is probably the most hardest gym but I start with Blizzard Spam and gradually go to the double Rock slide. It's barely more than 30% of Hoenn. Are you serious? I attempted to make a team that can be used for all the gym leaders and I haven’t found any, Tips: Occasionally for Water gyms when Empoleon appears feel free to make Torkoal use Eruption to break Empoleon’s, Dragon, Flying, Grass, Rock ( to an extent only ), Ground. Then it's not worth the effort. Wait im confused... there are 7 pokémon but we only have 6 space pls help, its because you have to choose between braviary or archeops. Like many of the gym leaders in Pokémon Stadium 2, Koga's team is less about a particular type specialty and more focused on a single strategy. zapdosfangaming, PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A. 1,316 Pages. Good guide.Best team for gym rematches means you can clear a gym in 3 turns since the goal is to win as fast as possible for better money. Good morning fellow PokeMMO players, I would like to suggest something that could be implemented in the near future. I use the BirbEQ technique for this. What, Drought probably works better because of fire against steel and since there's almost always a Steelix I'll almost always lose my Archeops to a Gyro Ball. The fact of the matter is you want to give one gym leader the payout of an npc with 5-6 level 50 pokemon. QOTD-1 In Platinum Which Gym Leader do you like the most? The latter will be tough for the AI to pull off effectively, but otherwise, this is a solid special attacking set. I use the Drought technique. I use the BirbEQ strat again. For hoenn there are like 3-4 intimidates in 1 set of Norman’s so I use the Typhlosion for Norman in Hoenn. Usually Burgh starts with Ferrothorn and Crustle which Typhlosion should be able to deal with. If they die you can also switch to the Double Rock Slide technique. However there are some differences here. The only Drought setter in PokeMMO. In this strategy both the starting Pokes should use Rock Slide. I use the Typhlosion starting and then switch to others. Will Ash manage to win this battle? Some people absolutely hate Hoenn and avoid it at all costs (I tried to convenience these players otherwise). The other combination is against Volkner where he uses Luxray and Pelipper. Personally I went with the Eeve-lutions (Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Umbreon, Leafeon, glaceon) all lvl 100, cause they are my faves. Byron resolves to train harder at … Well first of all thanks to the creators of this awesome game. The shell smash boost makes Torkoal strong. A Slowbro, however, is not in fitting with this. This works but yeah, going any further is up to you. After finding them, they will offer the player to have a rematch at the Vermillion City Arena. and i can probably speak for many of us that kanto is the main region people play on, i would realy love to rematch GIOVANNI <3 <3 <3. It's easy! Shell smash is on this set for those times where Typhosion is enough to kill the two pokes. I personally use the BirbEQ stratergy. Thanks, yeah that's what I ended up doing. This Gym is the first to be challenged by the player. You can get it as an egg move from Vulpix or Nuzleaf. I don’t have Extrasensory on my Typhlosion but it would be a nice option. Hey guys, In this video I have a rematch against one of my favourite Gym Leaders, Pryce. You have a long way to go and keep up the good work. IV's aren't specified for some pokemon, does that mean it can be whatever? This has a good chance of flinch and is very good. Later on, you can rematch … Slyzer 2,670 views. As I had mentioned earlier you can use the Eruption if Empoleon comes. Brock was around 8k (7983 iirc) without amulet coin. H Pump is for situation when Water absorb Sesmitoad or Storm drain Gastrodon or Cradily. In Brock's case, his team has a few additions that, while they aren't Rock-type, are at least fitting with his style & character in Heracross and Ursaring. Good morning fellow PokeMMO players, I would like to suggest something that could be implemented in the near future. There are also 8 additional Gym Leaders from the Johto region that weren't in the original games. Oh damn that's great, time to farm my ass off. This way people who want to stay in Kanto can battle the gyms there and those who prefer Hoenn can battle there. Rock slide goes first and then EQ sweeps the rest. Choice specs is a good item but in some gyms it might be irritating. Even it takes care of Water gym coz of Solar Beam. If you want to keep it nice & cheap just go for 2x31s. The heroes came to the Battle Club, where Ash trains with Tepig and Oshawott, who learn new moves. Byron uses Steel-type Pokémon in his battles. Each Gym Leader is away from the gym at a certain point each week and you need to find them and get the PokéGear number. Then you can switch to the Muddy water stratergy. Sheer Force is better but Keen Eye works as well. Braviary has the Choice scarf to break the air balloons which the foes have. The most used Pokemon for Gym Rebattles. So when you start a gym battle in Hoenn you won't be able to start one in Kanto for 6 hours and vice versa. Hi all, this is my first guide on PokeMMO. Post potential rematch teams for Sinnoh gym leaders. September 7, 2020 in Work In Progress Guides. Rock slide also deals substantial damage. I chose it cause of its access to both U-turn and Rock Slide. I use double rock slide or birbEQ rather than Tuphlosion coz of the occasional dragonite in Lenora’s team. 0 … It manages to do the job. Register Start a Wiki. I attempted to make a team that can be used for all the gym leaders and I haven’t found any flaws yet. I don’t use BirbEQ her bcoz of Mismagius’ Levitate and others. That's terrible mathmatics. It is amazing due to levitate and I prefer it Adamant over Jolly coz if it outspeeds Braviary / Archeops then you are screwed. However even with defeatist it performs extremely well. I spent 80 days making my Kanto guide and could find no discernible pattern. With the exception of Brendan and May, the player's rival can be repeatedly rematched after entering the Hall of Fame of that region. Is there a reason for 0 Atk IV, some googling tells me that 0 atk might be useful in case of confusion or foul play so thats probably why? You get 100k from battling not even 20 npcs with VS seeker. Dragon pulse for stab and pesky dragons. You can just go right up to the NPC you want to rematch and talk to them. I use the Torkoal and Typhlosion together. When you reach the Elite Four, you can now fight them in any order you wish. This team is really good cuz it requires minimal investment and can do well against all gyms. Yeah, it's to avoid those but, mostly not worth doing. I battled the gym leaders once a day to find out what team was present. In Pokémon Origins, Brock is the only Gym Leader to have a key role other than Giovanni.Much like his role in the games, Brock is the Gym Leader of the Pewter Gym.. Brock is first seen in File 1: Red, watching a Pokémon battle between Red and Blue.After Red is defeated, Brock talks to Red and teaches him about the basics of Pokémon battling and training. Related: 25 Wild Things … You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. I use the Drought stratergy again for Grass Gym. If used with Drought it can take care of its weaknesses. Litterally 100k for all 8 gym leaders is the least amount of money it could be reduced to. This set is great for Rock and Ground types. By using this site, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. On 21/09/2016 at 1:09 PM, LifeStyle said: On 23/09/2016 at 5:32 AM, Thunderprime said: On 21/09/2016 at 12:25 PM, Bestfriends said: Added Gym Leader rematches for Kanto gyms 1-7. Blizzard is good on him. You have a long way to go and keep up the good work. Some rough combinations include Misty using Pelipper/Floatzel against the Drought strat doesn't work because this Pelipper is slower than Torkoal and gives Floatzel Swift Swim. I imagine that when somebody does the gym rebattles they rebattle ALL the gyms in ALL the regions? Purpose. @Bilburt explained it to me very calmly. Also Norman has the thunder Slacking occasionally and Sawsbuck. Some people absolutely hate Hoenn and avoid it at all costs (I tried to convenience these players otherwise). I'm very interested to hear your story! Ripped music from the new Pokemon GO update, extended to 10 minutes. As you get to the end, you'll encounter Olympia. So, this guide is for all those people out there who are struggling while battling gyms and are dying to the harsh Gym Leaders. This the ultimate dragon killing pair. Tips : In case Levitate or flying type mons come use double Rock Slide or STAB moves. After beating the game, Gym Leaders will appear at different spots in the overworld at certain times. Note that many other teams can easily sweep gyms in quick time too but if you're new it might be daunting to invest on 3-4 poke. Like in Pokémon Platinum, HeartGold & SoulSilver allow you to rebattle the gym leaders, with them having widely superior teams than before. Muddy water is good for attacking those opposing pokes and it also lowers their accuracy. Once again, would like to thank all PokeMMO makers for this game and I wish everyone good luck with their rebattles. Add new page. If its not for the money, it could be for the exp you earn from those battles. Hi all, this is my first guide on PokeMMO. You gain exp from any money making method, and elite four regardless. I can comfortably sweep kanto (7) + hoenn (8) + 2 sinnoh gyms with one AC. Trainers who defeat Cilan will receive the Trio Badge, along with TM83 (Work Up).During the two years between Pokémon Black and White and Pokémon Black 2 and White 2, Cilan, along with his brothers, retired from being Gym Leaders to … Should probably be the same on Archeops. Morty appears in Pokémon Gold, Silver, Crystal, HeartGold, and SoulSilver, where he is the fourth Gym Leader to be encountered.