By using Dogmatika Punishment to destroy the targeted Monster and Cosmic Cyclone to banish the targeted Spell/Trap card, together they could effectively disrupt Virtual World from making their plays. Log In Sign Up. The literal and graphical information presented on this site about Yu-Gi-Oh!, including card images, the attribute, level/rank and type symbols, and card text, is copyright 4K Media Inc, a subsidiary of Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. Dogmatika is an archetype that chooses to utilize the extra deck differently than usual. Today at 8:16 AM All members of the archetype wear outfits of varying designs that … Fashion, clubs and events. See more of YGOPRODeck on Facebook. YGOPRODeck. Got into the deck at the beginning of the year when Trif posted a profile of a high rated DB deck profile. Reply. Dogmatika is an archetype that chooses to utilize the extra deck differently than usual. 3 Aleister the Invoker 3 Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring 3 Maxx “C” 1 Effect Veiler 2 Dogmatika Fleurdelis, the Knighted 3 Dogmatika Ecclesia, the Virtuous 3 Dogmatika Maximus. Email or Phone: Password: Forgot account? Pure Zefra Advice. Winda alone beats a lot of these decks. Create New Account. Updated the deck a bit to add some new cards, but not all of them, and definitely changed it according to budget. as far as I know, dogmatika-invoked does not play main deck shaddoll at all. Digging 6 cards deeper enables a pure Dogmatika deck to see Ecclesia significantly more often, which is important if we're going to play Ecclesia stun. Sky Striker. Competitive. Cimoooooooo. Download Deck for EDOPRO, YGOPRO, Duelingbook == Main Deck (40 cards) ==2x Fleur-De-Lis, the Knight of Dragma2x Maximus Dragma3x Dogmatika Ecclesia, the Virtuous3x Aleister the Invoker3x Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring1x Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit2x D.D. See more of YGOPRODeck on Facebook. Deck Pure Superheavy Samurai from Skylander591. Create New Account. Maiden is insanely good for the deck and allows you to run dogmatika cards like Iron Punch nicely. Deck Search. See more of YGOPRODeck on Facebook. 5. It's possible to simply play Dogmatika Punishment as a powerful trap capable of utilizing your extra deck, and even a … The weird part about Dogmatika isn't their hate on Extra Deck monsters but the surprisingly good ability to actually destroy your opponent's Extra Deck before they can summon monsters … The Dogmatika Variant that seems the stronger, Dogmatike Invoked, is trying to insert itself in the Tier 1 with a Tierscore* of 6.0! The Tier 2 is composed of Dogmatika Eldlich and Eldlich Pure for the decks with a Tierscore* above 4.0, Altergeist and Dragon Link for those reaching the 3.0 Rating and Dinosaur, Dogmatika Invoked Shaddoll and Infernoble Knights Synchron trying to … An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. Log In. To post a comment, please login or register a new account. With only a single Extra Deck card in the Dogmatika theme, Titaniklad the Ash Dragon, you can combine archetypes without having to compromise on boss monster space. Jump to. I've seen pure and Invoked Dogmatika builds running anywhere from 1 copy to 3, and if you're playing an Eldlich Dogmatika variant you may not run any at all. pure nekroz deck 2020. ... RIP pure infernobles… The new banlist killed their current combos already .-. Since the Dogmatika package is extremely expensive, the included decklist is more of a pure Shaddoll list. Categories Top Decks. New Yu-Gi-Oh! All of the "Dogmatika" monsters have effects that counter/disrupt Extra Deck monsters..