red dot 44 special loads

Really no need to look at a lot of primers here. HANDGUN BALLISTICS. The powder also burned cleanly. JHP 44 Special Load Data. Recoil is mild. That’s okay, because most handgun cartridges provide the most versatility when shooting swaged lead and cast lead-alloy bullets. For a bulky flake powder, it drops consistent charge weights from a powder measure. Lyman Cast Bullet Handbook lists Red Dot in their .44 Russian loads, and just happen to have a 180 grain bullet with loading data. Accuracy was much better with the round bullets, resulting in groups of about 1.5 inches. I'm using a Lee Factory Crimp Die for a good crimp. I cast my own bullets with a Lee 200gr RNFP . I’ve matched it against whitetail deer, mule deer, and feral hogs, with great results. The 44 special actually shoots Black powder quite well . (See note on Powders below or read all about various Powders.) COOL STUFF : 25 ACP 32 ACP 327 Magnum 380 ACP 9mm Luger 357 Magnum 357 SIG 38 Special … JHC - 2.0 grains - 2.9 grains (713fps - 970 fps / 9.100 CUP - 15.500 CUP) 95gr. The .44 Special, with a 250 grain hard-cast bullet at 950fps, is generally quite accurate in all decent revolvers. The.44 Special is an excellent field cartridge, and when combined with handloads is capable of taking varmints and big game. What power factor or feet per second are you looking for? Xtreme Brass (New) 12.72 case capacity. Thanks. Yesterday I shot a dozen of my own .44 Mag Light loads. Still hand Bill, You may, depending on your setup, need to use a powder check. Red Dot Target. Powder Bul Weight C.O.L. These days I use the 175-gr. The Model 94’s rear sight does not have enough elevation correction to mesh with the bullets’ trajectory, but a Nikon scope on the rifle had plenty of adjustment. Copyright 2019 Cartridges containing filler grouped bullets slightly tighter. Min Charge Max Charge Optimal Charge Bullet Make Bullet Type 200 grain lead flat nose, 10 grains Blue Dot. from  both Lee and Hornady volumetric measures. January 04, 2011 By Lane Pearce. Red Dot was originally intended as a shotshell powder for ⅞- to 1⅛-ounce target and field loads in the 12 gauge. The 45 Colt rim is smaller than the rim on a 45 Auto Rim. Red Dot is coarse so may present a similar problem of bridging in the measure. Using 180g bullets. 4895, Dec 23, 2011 #1. rcmodel Member in memoriam. By 44 Special Load Data; 44 Remington Magnum Handgun Load Data; 45 Auto (ACP) Load Data; 45 Colt (Single Action Army & Replicas) Load Data; 45 Colt (Ruger & T/C Contender & Encore) Load Data; Cartridge Data; Components by Caliber; Nosler Home; Load Data 44 Special Load Data. 45 Auto. I will use 4227, 2400, or H110 to burn blind and deafan. I started using Red Dot not long after I started handloading. Measuring unsized bullets showed they were way out of round due to a misaligned mould. A database of .44 S&W Special handloads. Using 180g bullets. 44 special red dot loads, 44 special reloading data, 44 special reloading data with bullseye powde, 44spcl loads with 4227, imr 4227 load data for 44 special, red dot powder for 44 special, red dot powder in 44 special, reload recipe for 44 special with 210 grain bullet with alliant 2400 powder, reloading 44 magnum with 6.0 grains of universal powder . My point is that changing powders is not necessarily a solution to the problem. cast SWC; Hornady 200-gr. I have been using trail boss at 4.9g, but it has resulted in inconsistent rounds. Unique is about all you need for light  cowboy loads up to mild magnum loads, i think you can use the same load with red dot and stay within limits with a 200g bullet , i use red dot and clays interchangeably as well in my 45colt at about that load. The standard practice load for my Ruger Blackhawk .41 Magnum is 7 grains of Red Dot with 210-grain cast bullets. Hunter: Joined: Wed Sep 17, 2003 7:01 am Posts: 4567 Location: northern ontario, CANADA Hi Folks I am trying to handload some .44 spl. When I carried a 44 special while hunting, it was a S&W 696 loaded with 200 gr Gold Dots over PowerPistol when in town, and 240 gr hardcast over Universal while in the woods. I load 4g Red Dot with a 200g bullet in .44spl starline brass for my Marlin 94. NSCA super veteran. I load 4.4gr Trailboss with a 200gr bullet, has worked great. Bullets cost but a few cents each and 7.0 grains of the powder provide 1,000 rounds from a pound of powder. Lyman 48th :.38 special - only loads for 90 and 100 grns bullets.357 Magnum - No Loads.380 auto (9m kurz) 90gr. Red Dot is my target load plinking powder in my old 3 screw SB in 44 Mag. Five grains of Red Dot in .44 Special cases propels 200-grain wadcutter bullets at about 800 fps. A few of their advantages include lower cost – especially if you cast your own – substantially reduced barrel wear, greater velocities with less chance of sticking bullets in the bore, straight and deep penetration on game with the added shock associated with a large meplat and good … First it was used for shotshells but its use quickly expanded to handgun and rifle cartridges, and now I use more of the powder than ever. By using this site, you agree to our Terms of Use. Only 2 grains of powder, though, gives Speer 98-grain swaged lead wadcutter bullets a velocity of 742 fps. That showed that Red Dot ignited easily and burned uniformly. November 4, 2019 in SASS Wire. 44 special red dot pdf , then you've come to loyal site. Reply. Thumbing through several shotshell reloading manuals, I found only a single one-ounce load for the 16 gauge. I’ve taken my share of Rio Grande turkey, javalina, and coyotes, with it, too. I wonder if using a dipper and assuming ultimate consistency is a mistake. Loads are listed for small cartridges such as the .22 Hornet and .218 Bee up through the .243 Winchester and 6mm Remington, .270 Winchester and .30-06. What Joe said. Magnum. Very compact gun, vs a 44 Magnum, and … Friendlier Loads. One solution is a lighter bullet such as the 200-gr. Hunting loads are a totally different deal. EDUCATION 101. Looking for a lower limit load data for red dot in 44 special. 17 Rem. Loads for .44 Magnum: (Note: These are near maximum loads, you should use 10% less to start.) 44 Special: CLL: 240: 300: 750: 44 Special: LRN: 246: 310: 755: 44 Special: STHP: 200: 360: 900 . 5.0 grains of Red Dot make an easy-recoiling load for the .44 Special. oddshooter 327 Meteor. The Lispy's .44 special is scary accurate with 7.0 of Unique but if I can get equal accuracy with a bit less red dot it would simplify things. Looking for a lower limit load data for red dot in 44 special. But for that matter the 44 special or Mag shoots everything well. The Ohaus was then adjusted and 10 throws ranged from 4.5 grains to 4.8 grains. My Ohaus measure dispensed the following charges: Ten throws weighed from 11.1 to 11.5 grains. Then a smear of lead was noticed in the lubrication groove at the seam on sized bullets. Musician, dog and cat lover, reloader, gun collector, target shooter, admirer of pretty women, Doc Holiday's Immortals, South River Shootists, Tejas Caballeros, Texican Rangers, Green Mountain Regulators, Plum Creek Shooting Society, Buffalo Range Riders, High Desert Drifters, Rio Grande Renegades, Jackson Hole Gang - Monmouth County Rangers, granite city gunslingers SASS Life NRA Life, Cavalier Cowboys, KC's Corral, Mattaponi Sundowners, Pungo Posse, Pepper Mill Creek Gang, Escondido Bandidos, The Cowboys, Cajon Cowboys, Dulzura Desperados. wadcutter from Matt’s Bullets loaded over 4.0 grains of Red Dot, 4.0 grains of Bullseye, or 5.0 grains of Unique. XTP; Nosler 240-gr. JHC. Jacketed bullet velocities were about 150 fps slower. However,.44 Special loads are so mild, you can really use whatever you want to. In addition, it works quite well as a personal defense load and general outdoor load. With the Marlin, I'm stuck with the considerably more stout 4.0g load with the 200g bullet. Starline now sells this brass to anyone (when I started this … Wanting to change powders as I have kegs of shotgun powders. I use 6.5 with a 240gr swaged lead bullet from Speer, 6.5gr with my cast 429421 250gr Keith bullet, and 6.5gr with 44 caliber swaged lead balls loaded into the magnum case by pushing them in against the loading bench. I am inferring that you need to look at your powder measuring. The smaller case-capacity means better performance with light loads, which is why I am interested in it. Boating and fishing, woodworking, restoring/collecting IH Cub Cadets, shooting and reloading. Have looked in all my 5 manuals & checked Mr google & nothing. red dot in 44 special. It's superbly accurate and extremely versatile when … I have been loading 44 Special or Mag for many many  years . 17 Rem Fireball. Alliant Red Dot is one such powder. Lyman Cast Bullet Handbook lists Red Dot in their .44 Russian loads, and just happen to have a 180 grain bullet with loading data. red dot in 44 special. I tested powder charges of 3.0, and 3.5 and 180g bullets as well. I don't show a listing in the Speer manual with Bluedot, however, I have load data from Hornady that uses Bluedot with 200 Grain XTP. For the mild.44 special loads, I recommend all lead bullets and loads that produce 700-850 FPS speeds. If you are looking for softer loads use .44 special. Good enough for the light loads we use in this game. +1 on that: LSWC 240 Power Pistol 7.5 GR 899 LO 921 HI 908 AVG 22 ES 6.60 SD . That changed when Elmer … The top of the Russian data would most likely make fine loads in .44 Special case for Cowboy shooting. I use 4.5 grains of Red Dot with a 200 grain bullet in 44-40, if that helps. The gun shot factory PMC 180gr JHP's extremely well. Most reloading manuals provide few Red Dot loads for jacketed bullets. Harris also had good luck with that charge of Red Dot in the .30-40 Krag, .303 British, 7.65 Argentine, .308 Winchester, 7.62x54R Russian, .30-06 and 8x57. When I shot trap years ago, nearly everyone on the line shot reloads containing 18 grains of the powder with 1⅛ ounces of shot. Red Dot: Select A Caliber or Gauge Below To View Recipes. By Lane Pearce. The only powder for a 200 grain I found was Vitori 340. The same goes for a lightweight Smith & Wesson 329PD .44 Remington Magnum. The .44 Special is often ranked as one of the best revolver cartridges of all time. Favorite Loads Hot off the Press .44 S&W Special. That 14-grain load of Red Dot is close to what former NRA writer Ed Harris. 44 S&W Special 250 gr cast (Keith) Remington 1.58 5.5 CCI 300 Bullseye 5.3 835 - 44 S&W Special Desperado 200 gr lead RNFP Federal 1.45 5.5 Fed 150 Bullseye 6.2 883 - 44 S&W Special Desperado 240 gr lead RNFP Federal 1.45 5.5 Fed 150 Bullseye 5.2 805 - Alliant Powder - Reloader's Guide For Blue Dot: Alliant Powder - Reloader's Guide 147 Grain Hornady XTP. They went down range, but not quickly. Starline reloading brass 44 special - midwayusa Caliber: 44 Special ; Product is regulated by the US Department of Transportation Hornady Universal Reloading Tray 50-Round Plastic Red. Loads are even included for large cartridges such as the 7mm Remington Magnum, .300 and .338 Winchester Magnums and the .375 H&H Magnum. Surprisingly the Blue Dot grouped best. A light amount of Red Dot and 200-grain bullets make mild-recoiling loads for a .44 Magnum revolver. Red Dot is a double-based powder of about 20 percent nitroglycerine content. Start out with about 4.0 grains RD and see how that works. Tinkering. Crimped with Lee fcd. Redding dies were used to assemble all test loads. I’ve loaded 4.2 grains of Red Dot and Promo with Both 165 grain and 200 grain bullets. The filler was added onto the powder, filling to the top of the cases, and bullets were seated to compress the filler and keep the powder tight against the primer flash hole. SWC, 240 gr. NES Member. Joined: Sep 17, 2007 Messages: 59,076 Location: Eastern KS. In the case of my .44 Spcl pistol load mentioned above, I am hand dipping the Trailboss powder. 3.9 Grains . Please educate me if I should use a different powder. Burning all that Red Dot over the years has taught me there is no reason to use heavier charges of other powders for practice and small-game hunting with a handgun or rifle. Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 4:32 am . Post subject:.44 Special / Red Dot Powder. Found one load for clays for a 185g, so I will try that. The Gold Dots don't need to expand if they encounter multiple layers of heavy clothing to be effective and reloads are much faster than a single action. If I can standardize on red dot loads for a … Extreme spreads were 43 fps without filler and 42 fps with filler. 7.0 gr. 44 S&W Special. Whether plain or fancy these 4" .44 Magnums handle well with John’s special loads. Old Red Dot dropped five charges that weighed 5.7 grains, two at 5.8 grains, two at 5.6 grains and one that weighed 5.5 grains. It was the first powder I loaded with cast bullets in the 7mm Remington Magnum – I could have thrown the bullets better than the rifle shot them. Trailboss in a sufficient intended charge, a Hodgdon published load,  has been consistent for me. Still, for safety’s sake it’s prudent to check cases for a double charge of powder before seating bullets. North San Diego County, People's Republik of Kalifornia. I believe so. After a while, however, even the most recoil-tough shooter looks forward to toning things down a bit.