Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, 50 tons of shit > cg > nightsisters > 3v3 gac. Well, maybe I'll come back in 10 years when I meet all the requirements. Did it again today after the SLKR buff. A video of one of my attempts is below. Total Mats Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Tier 6 Tier 7 Tier 8 Advertisement - Remove SWGOH.GG is not affiliated with EA, EA Capital Games, Disney or Lucasfilm LTD. Tier 6 kylo is nothing like tier 5 in difficulty. Can confirm this works and the best part is only swapping mods on one char. I recently opened a new account as a farming experiment to see how many months/ years it would take for me to prepare for the SLKR event. The team is Rey/RH Finn/RH Poe/3PO/BB8. Lost 1 character without taking any turns and quickly continued to lose. If you want to go 10/10 on this, use this guide. Tier 6 of Rey is easy with the right team. LOKI VS THANE!!! Flawless, worked exactly as described, even with only 170k health on SLKylo. Lots of health. If you have FO questions, we have the answers. That one hurt. Once because Rey dodged my attack that would kill her and gained her fifth stack. I’m strictly going to be F2P, no purchases whatsoever. Same problem. LETSSS GOOOO!! I had run Rey, HFinn, HPoe, bb8, & c3p0. SWGOH GAC FIGHT NIGHT!! Bookmarked it (will unlock SLKR in roughly 2 months). You just need 3 health sets with speed, the rest don't matter. Just like Galactic Legend Rey, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren is incredibly fast with a base Speed of 393 (Rey has 398), making him the second fastest character in the game.Note that the next fastest character after the four Galactic Legends is Moff Gideon at 198, so each Galactic Legend is nearly double the base speed (or higher) of every other … The added SLKR speed was significant in impact but more so was the no crits with advantage. This is a top quality video right here, i don't have Kylo yet but i'm pretty sure this would work, good job mate! You really need the extra health it gives Rey so that her Lifeblood provides the most Protection Up possible. Galactic Legend events are permanent events that will become available once you've met the requirements. Ultimate Gameplay AUTOS Rey + SLKR! Tier 6 is always going to be difficult pre-gear 13/relics. Yes, it says that GLs (and raid bosses) are immune to mastery reduction in the ability itself, " Siphon Mastery: Gain a percentage of Mastery equal to this unit's Siphon until the end of the encounter and the target loses that much Mastery (stacking, excludes raid bosses and Galactic Legends)", New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the SWGalaxyOfHeroes community. Press J to jump to the feed. SLKR event Tier 6 updated guide! Thank you so much for this. Summarize your bug I can no longer beat SLKR in tier 6. GAC 16, Match 4 | IT FINALLY HAPPENED: XAERETH vs. SOLOBASS (. Find the other tier guides, modding guides, farming guides, damage calculators, and farming resources along with an awesome community that's ready to help anyone and that's constantly theory crafting and dicking around in the first order discord. This is why you have to search for content creators that aren't as popular. Tier 6 of Rey is easy with the right team. I just swapped GG mods for SLKR. About : In this video we shall go over how to easily blast through the tier 6 of the Supreme Leader Kylo Ren event. My MASSIVE $500 Impulse Gear 13 Ewok Project a Huge Mistake? Be prepared to have a winning strategy and still lose. Published on 2020-05-20 19:44:16. Can vouch for this guide, lost at least 4 to 5 battles before i found this guide. Tiers and benefits start for less than a cup of … Galactic Legend Rey Tiers 4-6 are SO much easier than SLKR’s Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. All Rights Reserved | Contact- sigsig#0001 on Discord, How to Easily Beat Tier 6 of the Galactic Legend Supreme Leader Kylo Ren Event | SLKR | SWGOH. I’m now 5 for 5 with it and not a single battle has been anywhere close to a loss. Its where you find the good stuff. GOOD JOB! Cheers! Note that other characters can give Finn the taunt. Works insanely well and only necessitates 2 zetas, Here's the video with more info:, Thanks to the First Order discord: 461 views. Gridan WWL. Opened the account on 6/11, currently … Cheers! Okay can confirm - after 3 failed attempts with other strategies, just got my first win with this. | SWGOH, This Counter NEVER Gets Old! 2 206 2 weeks ago ... 6 SHUFLA. No to diss the big guys, but they are more geared toward entertainment. SWGOH. Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a mobile game by EA Capital Games where players collect, level and battle with heroes and villains from the Star Wars universe. it's always mods that dick me over. Give Finn lifeblood, then use the event ability to make Finn taunt, always. Do you have stuff like this for the other tiers or are they easier?? The team is Rey/RH Finn/RH Poe/3PO/BB8. Gear Levels Full Gear List Relic Tier List Stats Table Player Data Top Players ADVERTISEMENT ... Mk 6 Neuro-Saav Electrobinoculars Prototype Salvage. Was 7/7 on Tier 6, all with max or very close to max characters, won every time cleanly with all 5 still alive. oh man i wish i had the mods to do stuff like this. I did, somehow, 3 star this event, but it took me 16 attempts to get 10 ultimate mats. Lost 3 times on my journey (finished today!). Swgoh Relic Guide keithslater / SWGOH Relic List. Galactic Legend Rey Tiers 4-6 are SO much easier than SLKR’s. It should be noted that certain heroes, such as Shemira, only really start to shine at level 141.It’s just kinda hard to fit all of this into one list. That is what you get when completing it. I now get SLKR down to about 15% health left and he becomes unkillable. FRIDAY NIGHT BANGER! We've got these guides for all 6 tiers and a bunch of knowledgeable people on top. This does the best job of removing RNG from the battle of any strategy I’ve seen. Use kylo's command shuttle to remove any taunts and just try to defeat anakin. About : In this video we shall go over how to easily blast through the tier 6 of the Supreme Leader Kylo Ren event. Did it again today after the SLKR buff. This method is really easy and works 100%. I went 10/10 with no losses with this strategy. Give Finn lifeblood, then use the event ability to make Finn taunt, always. Fighting an Opponent from MAW | SWGoH. Darth Math. The last set of … All required gear has been broken down into its farmable components and the cheapest location has been listed. Galactic Legends Events in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes were newly-added events taking place for the first time in 2020 that can be played at any time, but have very steep requirements. Last Event: 2021-01-07. I’ll vouch for this method. I managed to 2 star it but even having the ultimate unlocked doesnt make it easier. Possible shard drops … Published on 2020-09-25 15:00:10. ... Guys, CG just leaked the latest Galactic Legend... spoiler. Power up Home One, Admiral Ackbar's Rebel Capital … And man is it easy. Also CG can you make gear farming a lot easier for us F2P surely you could throw in those extra events/ increase drop rates. The mod requirements for this strat are actually crazy low. Can I check, are you using JTR's Mind Tricks on SLKR? Not sure if it is just me getting brutal rng, or if others have noticed the same. About : Check out and come hang with me and the Grid on Discord!-Discord: If you want to go that extra mile and help me continue making sweet content for you guys, check out my Patreon. So I was able to clear tier 6 the first 8 times in a row with 3 stars and have now lost 4 consecutive times. Well done. Tie Fighter joins R7 vs R8 Negotiator Mirror vs Ahsoka & Fives| ... GAC DOUBLEHEADER! © Copyright > SWGOH.TV. December 14, 2019 10:54PM edited December 2019. thedrjojo … Tier II First Order Characters Used: Kylo Ren (Unmasked) – Relic 7 – 264 speed, 147k health/protection, 5,536 damage, 56.75% CC, 192% CD – all 6-dot mods, all abilities maxed Kylo Ren – Relic 7 – 255 speed, 129k health/protection, 8,371 damage – 5 6-dot mods & 1 5-dot mod, all abilities maxed; General Hux – Relic 5 – 315 speed, 123k health/protection, 5,012 … Lost 1 character without taking any turns and quickly continued to lose. Note that other characters can give Finn the taunt. Main Focus: Speed.