Each month, Pyramid delivered articles about a specific theme, from modern-day superheroes to post-apocalyptic gaming to magic on the battlefield. Today 10:42 AM. On the morning of March 1st 1990, GURPS Cyberpunk author Loyd Blankenship and his wife were woken up by six Secret Service agents who raided their home, confiscating a computer, a printer and even their telephone. One of the first releases on the SJ Games label, Raid on Iran (1981), was a critical and sales success. Steve Jackson Games Forums > Roleplaying: GURPS User Name: Remember Me? Repository of fan-authored files, indexes, and links of use to GURPS players. Support for GURPS software can be found in the Network section. What's Hot * Munchkin * GURPS * Card Games * Board Games * Role Playing Games * Online Games * Mobile Games * PDFs Just Plain Weird * Miniatures and Rules * New and Upcoming Releases * For Kids (and Parents) * Zines * Plush Shirts and Stuff * Wargames * Dice Games * Chess Games * Everything We've Ever Released * Home * Wargames * Dice Games * Chess … by hcobb. Most of Pyramid's articles are either generic, suitable for your game system of choice, or designed for GURPS, one of the best choices for … It's pretty much all you actually need to play GURPS. That RPG is GURPS Cyberpunk, a 1990 supplement for the Generic Universal Roleplaying System published by Steve Jackson Games. Steve Jackson Games Forums: Roleplaying User Name: Remember Me? pledged of $750 goal 2,781 backers Support. GURPS Mysteries Gets 5 Stars On ENWorld! Select this reward. Warehouse 23 is your online source for games and geek toys. Steve Jackson Games' GURPS 2020 PDF Challenge Austin, TX Tabletop Games $57,663. Spell Components. Post only to sticky threads! Password: Register: FAQ: Calendar: Mark Forums Read: Sub-Forums: GURPS : Forum: Last Post: Threads: Posts: Moderator: GURPS Resources. 2,109: 34,405: Steve Jackson . It should also be noted that Steve Jackson Games are now (2018) selling new printings of this 3rd Edition rule book through Amazon, so you can actually buy this book brand spanking new in softcover, with updated errata! Fronted by Steve Jackson Games on behalf of the Illuminati, it offers a wide variety of roleplaying games, card games, and board games from many different companies. That company, Steve Jackson Games Incorporated, is now 30 years old and employs more than 20 people. Steve Jackson Games / GURPS ; Viewing per page. The Campaigns volume presents detailed (but all pretty much optional) rules for combat and plenty of good advice for campaign building. ENWorld reviewer "Crothian" had this to say: "GURPS Mysteries is the ultimate in mystery role playing books. Pledge US$ 3 or more About US$ 3 GURPS Action 6 + Unlocked Stretch Goals The GURPS Action 6 - Tricked Out Rides PDF written by Sean Punch and delivered through BackerKit and/or Warehouse 23. Fnord. Discussion of Steve Jackson's original RPG, The Fantasy Trip. (605 Results) 1 2 3 of 26 pages. Pyramid was the monthly PDF magazine for serious gamers, created by serious gamers. This is a very comprehensive rule book. GURPS Cyberpunk is a genre toolkit for cyberpunk-themed role-playing games set in a near-future dystopia, such as that envisioned by William Gibson in his influential novel Neuromancer.It was published in 1990 after a significant delay caused by the original draft being a primary piece of evidence in Steve Jackson Games, Inc. v. United States Secret Service. It is very useful to any genre and any game but obviously even more useful for GURPS players.