swgoh deathstorm anakin

Deathstorm is a fairly new team to the scene of the sith raid (I started working on this in September 2018). Because of the mechanics of the different bosses, one team really stands out in Phase 4. just threw my team together and was able to do it instantly. Nightsister Zombie should be a balance between health and speed. If Isolate is off cooldown, then target the Sabers instead of Traya, so she doesn’t gain speed and allows Zombie time to taunt, while also reducing the damage from the sabers so she survives until Isolate is used, at which point go back to attacking Traya, unless Initiate and Talzin can attack Retribution Sabers and not kill them. It relies upon Nightsister deaths (following their constant revival) triggering Anakin's bonus turn. Check out this site where our help will be on it. Part 1 of 2. It's not like anyone is repping SugarBear hair sleep vitamins. Starting off the run, target Sabers with retribution, to get them to counter and deal damage to Nightsister Zombie. Half the Heroic Sith Raid can be beaten by a single team for +70 MILLION DMG. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. 1 year ago. There's a new team with Talzin/Asajj/Daka/Initiate/Anakin that can solo P3 of the STR, all within a single topple. Hence the need for low potency. (Aka: I’m jealous of all the people who didn’t gear her to g11 like I did), I geared my initiated to 12, and can still get deathstorm to work with spirit, but not nearly as successful, Fuck it, if they nerf him I’m quitting enough of this bullshit, "Traya gains 1% Turn Meter whenever she it hit while Toppled", Assuming this is a problem in the first place. Now why does this only work in phase 3. Use only basic attacks on everyone, which means every turn taken will give AV stacking damage and Health and 35% tm, and Daka 50% tm. it's running on auto. Just make Traya immune to non-damaging debuffs while … Is it going to be used in other future/current content though? When Traya comes out of topple, and revives the 3 sabers, use Asajj Ventress’s aoe attack as soon as possible, as long as there is one Saber without foresight, the death of this saber will cause her cooldowns to refresh, which means that as soon as she takes her next turn, she will be able to kill the rest of the sabers, if they didn’t all die in the first time. She should have a Speed arrow, but then give her a Health triangle, circle, and cross. Basically NO way that fails, except 10 times in a row all chars miss including revieved initiate. Mother Talzin ... SWGOH.GG is not affiliated with … GZ on getting Anakin and / or the NS nerfed. Come on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEC3L-Il5-8. And will they have to give new characters increasingly narrow synergies to prevent stuff like this in the future? Required zetas for this team are Mother Talzin lead (The Great Mother), Assaj Ventress unique (Rampage), and Old Daka unique (Serve Again). Wow. Deathstorm + Anakin HSTR P3 Solo: Raid Guide – Sir ... Sirggames.com Founder & Editor-in-Chief of sirggames.com, World’s First HAAT Soloist in SWGoH, and avid game enthusiast. Shoutout to Vice Torn DRS For originally constructing the team. However, if your guild does have enough Nightsisters to clear phase 4, with some left over, Deathstorm becomes a very valuable team, as it has, with the current exception of Finn C-3PO teams in phase 3, which will probably not last, the highest damage ceiling of any team in any phase. Hi folks! This will hopefully at least drain all of her protection, and in Heroic possibly kill her entirely, which is excellent. Cookies help us deliver our Services. we solve it. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the SWGalaxyOfHeroes community. If any sabers have retribution, target them with Initiate’s first Special. I will agree with you there. THE NUMBER ONE RULE OF THIS TEAM IS THAT YOU DO NOT USE OLD DAKA’S HEAL EXCEPT IN SPECIFIC CIRCUMSTANCES. Eventually decided to fully expand the idea into a proper guide for the greater SWGOH community. You get Initiate killed, then set on "auto with basic only" and walk away. Fools like us only muddy the waters. Originally taken from the HAAT (Created there by Rise of the Bon3), the team was used by me in phase 3 with Acolyte instead of Initiate since the launch of the sith raid. They're mortal enemies, but also both benefit from being Scoundrels. Before enrage, this team is capable of dealing over 5 million damage, making it superior to any other team, and the fairly low rng required to survive at least 4 or 5 turns past enrage, with the rng only climbing to crazy odds between 10 and 15 turns after enrage making this team and strategy the most efficient and highest damage dealing in the raid at this time. Nestled in the Dagobah system, the guild known as Dagobah Day Spa finds themselves enjoying the lighter side of galactic war.