what do physicists do reddit

Physicists study the universe and everything in it, from the very small (quantum) to the very large (cosmology). More like pondering on the front page of Reddit. With point 2; at least you have a solid evidence of the things that happen to the material, etc., so you can see what did you or your friend who did the experiments mess up. 99% Upvoted. hide. How Much Do Physicists Make? It really depend on which field they work. Physicists of Reddit, what do you do for a living? There are plenty of papers which are basically taking a well-known model, possibly with some extension or complication added, and find approximations for some aspects of it. I do MRI research, anything you want to mention I’d be interested in? Often it's about understanding and modelling how a particular system works. Follow edited Oct 30 '15 at 17:08. user36790 asked Dec 14 '13 at 15:53. So you might construct a model of the system in question from some assumptions and try to calculate the conductivity and see if you can reproduce the experimental result and understand what's going on. Some health care workers don't want to get vaccine A physicist is a scientist who specializes in the field of physics, which encompasses the interactions of matter and energy at all length and time scales in the physical universe. Theoretical physicists also can work either on: fundamental theories, modelling of systems, optimization of systems, and other. They use other people's experiments, theoreticians do not live in a vacuum. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Asking because I feel like Physicists (who are passionate and good) can really help the world move forward so would love to see if any of you are doing just that? Physicists study, design, and perform scientific experiments to test theories of matter and energy. Can someone explain. Mentoring students/postdocs. Ask away. report . Think how this particular thing might help with a problem (it's really hard to write down generic 3- and 4-manifolds). Even if you are a bit on the fringes, where there is no current experimental work, there's still usually a few standard tricks and techniques that you will rely on before you dash out into the unknown. Not all theoretical work is in creating new theories -- most theorists actually work in applying establish theoretical techniques to new problems. A presentation for 3rd graders at Joaquin Miller Elementary School, Oakland, CA. | What do Physicists do? A physicist explores and identifies the basic principles that govern the structure and behaviour of matter, the interaction between energy and matter, and the generation and transfer of … Nov 11, 2017 #23 Grands. This thread is archived. For example the result from LHC experiments at CERN, spectral data from observatories, or even simple absorption or fluorescence spectra of materials. Lenol Lenol. So you assess your theory, you make your calculations, figures, etc., and then you 1; dig up the literature for all the related experimental results and you try to justify your methods and results based on those papers, or 2; you have some nice experimental physicist friends who can for example prepare alloys, do tensile tests, microscopy...etc for you and prove/disprove your hypothesis and results. February 25, 2021 . Without you there wouldn't be any physicists in 10 years. What does physicist mean? Writing software. I'm an optical engineer. In answering the question of what physicists study, we have to first answer the question what is physics? Cite. 4- So will you end up eventually as a high school physics? We work with different metallic alloys and we use various density functional theory tools (VASP, EMTO, etc.) It really depend on which field they work. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Two CERN theoretical physicists have taken a page out of Google’s playbook in an attempt to better measure the impact of scientists and their published research. I work at a company that tries to help doctors spend public health funds more efficiently and eliminate wasteful choices. Theoretical physics is also applied to material science, solid state physics, plasma physics, etc.. etc.. But on the other hand, sometimes you can improve your theory by taking all results into consideration. These include skills relating to numeracy, problem-solving, data analysis and the communication of complex ideas, as well as a wider understanding of how the world works on a … For me, I use Twitter primarily as a venue to connect with other physicists and physics lovers all over the world! A subreddit to draw simple physics questions away from /r/physics. In my country there is a hybrid system of socialised and free market for health care. Preparing presentations. Listening to presentations. For example to build fusion reactors, a lot theoretical physics work went into it regarding plasma behavior and what the shape of the magnetic fields should be to contain the plasma, etc.. For example what does their research look like if they don't ever do experimental work?