working at ey reddit

Partners have been very supportive throughout my career. It was a place filled with professionals and individuals with enthusiasm and energy to lead. After a few cycles, I escalate to their managers and I explain the situation, who send me back down to the finance cash person and the same operations person. Everyone is nice here, and things are explained very clearly to me and my work has gained several praise from my team, such that even the top people at the board were impressed. What people say about working at EY. I felt a lot more comfortable in the EY interview than in the PwC interview (PwC asked me some technical questions, while EY did not) but overall they both went well. I explained to our own Senior Manager, who points me back to the same finance person. So you just summed up the problem with public accounting,not just EY. That’s just the leverage model in action. The culture is very positive and respectful. It is also a lottery of whether you get to work on a GOOD client who knows what they are doing and are able to teach you their jobs and how things work, versus a BAD client, who only considers you as a cost and just pisses you off at every chance they get i.e. EY has an incredible market position in the MENA, it was at 60% and had a commanding lead of the marketshare when I joined EY. Neither their senior management nor our own management intervened. At Ernst & Young, the global accounting firm, good grades are a key qualification for entry-level jobs and a reliable measurement of “technical ability and work ethic”, says Dan Black, who directs recruiting for … You would actually WISH you can work 9am-1am everyday, in return for a … Talk to the interviewer about what excites you and keeps you happy at work. Did you connect with the EY folks more? EY also does product development in the area of SAP S/4 Hana which is a pretty good thing. This person, if I recall, eventually became Manager in EY. Again, this is apparently my fault. 2) For a people focused firm, most people in EY doesn't seem to have any values. No one wants you to create problems by bringing up issues and very few clients in my experience have realistically wanted to improve. In the next year when I became senior and I was on the engagement again, I recall I fixed his fuckup by redoing the work entirely as if was new. Working at EY. He then later asks you about the controls (which were never explained at the time) and expected you to know from the walkthrough. You have the online manual (I think called GAM or something) so you end up heavily relying on that, but unfortunately as each company is different, it just doesn't work half the time. This is only one half of the story, the other half of people you work for is the client. My councilors kept leaving for other jobs so I actually get different councillors every year but when I bring it up again, they all say very passive sounding things, rather than actually doing something about it and give me a better engagement (note, they say that they will only allow me to change engagements once I have a few more years under my belt). Location influences the clients and unless you have connections you aren’t going to be on the best clients anyway. In FT's Test results can define young careers, we learn that EY will give you a chance even with a 3.0 if you can explain your crappy grades:. I am at a different company now and the attitudes and experience I received are so different, I think I may have figured it out. 2 months several emails 3 phone 2 in person-interviews asked what shift I wanted, made sure I was available to train, I was extremely qualified for the position, great references, they made it sound like I had the job Dear John letter from a do not reply cookie cutter “we will keep your resume on file bla bla bla” if you have time to waste and … New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. This year, EY … How about ask??? I think there are too many mindless people entering audit and not knowing the negatives properly. I will start in a big4 in the fall (Audit) and was wondering if any of you that are in audit listen to podcasts while working too or if its not possible because of concentration needed for the work or anything else. I would say that my position was pretty locked as far as growth and I knew that on the corporate level they would eventually eliminate my position. Answered August 5, 2018. Over I loved working at EY. Training is available all year long for everyone and they are made available globally.