The pet will not change targets unless the master attacks a new target for a few seconds. It may be fun to train all the mobs in the Barrens, but I'm not going to miss it either. He will run after any enemy and start attacking. Can anyone help me out here? It will take a few seconds after you switch targets for the pet AI to register the new target for your pet to switch. While every pet has unique abilities, there is a list of six commands that are universal to all pets. * The Aggressive pet stance has been removed and replaced with the Assist stance. These commands are not class specific and are listed in the window below. The aggressive button will set your pet to attack anything within range. This stance will cause the player's pet to attack the player's target. While every pet has unique abilities, there is a list of six commands that are universal to all pets. It used to be more of a problem when pets had aggressive stance. Post by 683852 This post was from a user who has deleted their account. The fact of the matter is that aggressive stance provides very little quality of life improvements that good pet management can't do better. My pet attacks what I attack, so the stance does its job. View all Blizzard forum posts ("Blue posts") collected in one area. Oh, how I miss those crazy pet antics….especially when my ZG bat was so fast. You can leave your pet in Assist mode all the time. The pet will not change targets unless the master attacks a new target for a few seconds. → Commands → Macro APIContents[show] → Slash commands Sets your pet to aggressive mode /petaggressive Aliases none Arguments none Notes In aggressive mode, the pet will attack any nearby mobs while you are standing still. Now you can just keep your pet on Assist to have him target and attack what you are attacking. < > Showing 1-2 of 2 comments . When the player acquires a controllable pet, a Pet Action Bar will appears on screen. I've done a little research about pets in general but finding this piece of information is near impossible. Getting Started with Pet Battles. The defensive stance will cause your pet to only attack an enemy if it attacks him or you first. But, Assist Stance does have its uses and fills in for Aggressive stance quite well with the exception of the misadventures previously mentioned. Badshots #1 - June 27, 2011, 6:43 p.m. There are a few fights where you want your pet on another target than yours (last boss BRC when you're kiting), but that's what passive + manual targetting is for. The fact of the matter is that aggressive stance provides very little quality of life improvements that good pet management can't do better. On passive stance, your pet will not attack anything unless you direct it to attack something using the attack button. These commands are not class specific and are listed in the window below. This stance will cause the player's pet to attack the player's target. This is why they got rid of it and replaced it with something that might actually be useful. No worries. To get started on becoming a pet battling master, seek out a Battle Pet Trainer in one of the lower level starting zones or in Stormwind or Orgrimmar.. Trainers will teach you Battle Pet Training for 10, as well as how to Track Pets on your minimap.. How Do I Change My Pets Combat Stance? The Aggressive pet stance has been removed and replaced with the Assist stance. When the player acquires a controllable pet, a Pet Action Bar will appears on screen. I'm playing as an occultist and have a raven familiar. World of Warcraft; Hunter (US) Aggressive pet stance please reconsider.