Jenkins, J. H., Basic Texas Books
Austin, Jenkins Publishing Co, 1983.
224 Essential books for a Texas Research Library, most published
before 1940. See Jenkin's book for an annotated entry on each
selection. Item number and page number noted in the brackets [--].
Page 8 of 9
- [166-446] Ramsell, C. W. Sr., Reconstruction in
Texas, New York, Columbia Univ., 1910; Gloucester (Mass.),
Peter Smith, 1964; Austin, U. of Texas Press (facsimile paperback),
- [167-449] Raymond, D. (N.), Captain Lee Hall of
Texas, Norman, U. of Okla. Press, 1940; Norman, U. of Okla
(facsimile), 1982.
- [168-451] Reagan, J. H. , Memoirs, with Special
Reference to Secession & Civil War, New York, Neale Publishing,
1906; Austin, Pemberton (facsimile w/ index), 1968.
- [169-453] Reed, St. C. G., A History of the Texas
Railroads, and of Transportation..., Houston, St. Clair Publishing,
1941; Houston, St. Clair Publishing (2nd Ed.), 1941.
- [169a-453] Reed, St. C. G., A History of the Land
Grants and Other Aids to the Texas..., Houston, St. Clair
Publishing, 1942; Salem (N.H.), Ayer Publ (facsimile), c1978.
- [170-455] Reid, S. C. Jr., The Scouting Expeditions
of McCulloch's Texas Rangers..., Philadelphia, Zieber & Co.,
1847; Philadelphia, Zieber & Co., 1848; Philadelphia, Bradley,
1859; Philadelphia, Potter, 1859; Philadelphia, Bradley, 1860;
Philadelphia, Potter, 1885; Austin, Steck (facsimile of 1st.
ed.), 1935; Freeport (N.Y.), Books for Libraries (facsimile of
1st. ed.), 1970.
- [171-459] Richardson, R. N., Texas, the Lone Star
State, New York, Prentice-Hall, 1943; New York, Prentice-Hall
(2nd printing), 1947; New York, Prentice-Hall (3rd printing),
1950; New York, Prentice-Hall (4th printing), 1953; New York,
Prentice-Hall (5th printing), 1955; Englewood Cliffs (N.J.),
Prentice-Hall (2nd ed.), 1958; Englewood Cliffs (N.J.), Prentice-Hall
(3rd ed.), 1970.
- [172-461] Richardson, W., The Texas Almanac, for
1857, with Statistics, Historical..., Galveston, Richardson
& Co., 1856; new ed. each year until 1873.
- [172a-461] Day, J. M. compiler, The Texas Almanac,
1857-1873: A Compendium of..., Waco, Texian Press, 1967.
- [173-465] Rickett, H. W., Wild Flowers of the United
States: Texas, New York, N.Y. Botanaical Garden, 1969.
- [174-467] Rister, C. C. Border Captives: The Traffic
in Prisoners by Southern ..., Norman, U. of Okla. Press, 1940.
- [175-469] Rister, C. C., Oil! Titan of the Southwest,
Norman, U. of Okla. Press, 1949.
- [176-471] Rivera, Pedro de, Diario y Derrotero
de lo Caminado, Visto, y Obcervado..., Guathemala, de Arebalo,
- [177-472] Rives, G. L., The United States and Mexico,
1821-1848: A History..., New York, Scribner's Sons, 1913.
- [178-473] Roberts, D. W., Rangers and Sovereignty
, San Antonio, Wood Printing, 1914.
- [178a-473] Lackey, B. R., Stories of the Texas
Rangers, San Antonio, Naylor (almost plagiarism), 1955.
- [179-475] Roemer, F. von, Texas, Mit Besonderer
Rucksicht Auf Deutsche ..., Bonn, Marcus, 1849.
- [179a-475] Mueller, O. (translator), Texas, with
Particular Reference to German Immigration..., San Antonio,
Standard Printing (first English ed.), 1935; Waco, Texian Press
(facsimile), 1967.
- [180-479] Santa Anna, A. L. de, Manifiesto que
sus Operaciones en la Compana de Tejas..., Veracruz, A. M.
Valdes, 1837.
- [180a-479] Garcia, G., (ed.), Las Cuerras de Mexico
con Tejas y lost Estados Unidos, Mexico, de C. Bouret, 1910.
- [180b-479] Castaneda, C. E., The Mexican Side of
the Texas Revolution, by Chief..., Dallas, Turner, 1928;
Dallas, Turner (fascimile), 1956; Austin, Graphic Ideas (new,
indexed), 1970.
- [181-481] Santleben, A., A Texas Pioneer: Early
Staging and Overland Freighting..., New York, Neale Publishing,
1910; Waco, Morrison (facsimile), 1967.
- [182-484] Schmitz, J. W., Texas Statecraft, 1836-1845,
San Antonio, Naylor, 1941; plus spl presentation set.
- [183-485] Sheffy, L. F., The Francklyn Land & Cattle
Company, A Panhandle..., Austin, U. of Texas Press, 1963.
- [184-487] Shipman, A. J., Taming the Big Bend:
A History of the Extreme Western..., Austin, Von Boeckmann-Jones,
- [185-489] Siringo, C. A., A Texas Cow Boy, or Fifteen
Years on the Hurricane ..., Chicago, Umbdenstock & Co., 1885;
Chicago, Siringo & Dodson (2nd. ed.), 1886; Chicago, Rand, McNally
(variant of 2nd ed.), 1886; Chicago, Eagle Publ. (facsimile of
2nd ed.), 1890; also 1892, 1893; Chicago, Rand, McNally (facsimile),
n.d.; also 1901-1912; New York, Ogilvie Publ., c1914; New York,
William Sloane Associates, 1950; Lincoln, U. of Neb(reprint of
1950 version), 1966; 1969 (2nd. printing).
- [186-492] Smith, Ashbel, Reminiscences of the Texas
Republic; Annual Address..., Galveston, Historical Soc. of
Galveston, 1876; Galveston, His. Soc. of Galv. (new printing),
1920; Austin, Pemberton, facsimile (w/ index), 1967.
- [187-495] Smith, E., Account of a Journey Through
North-Eastern Texas, ..., London, Hamilton, Adams & Co.,
- [188-497] Smith, J. H., The Annexation of Texas,
New York, Baker & Taylor Co., 1911; New York, Macmillan Co.,
1912; also 1919; New York, Barnes & Noble (corrected), 1941;
New York, AMS Press (facsimile of 1911), 1971.
- [189-501] Smithwick, Noah, The Evolution of a State:
or, Recollections of Old Texas Days, Austin, Gammel Book
Co., 1900; plus 10 presentation copies; Austin, Steck Co (facsimile),
c1935; Austin, Steck-Vaugh (w/ Day intro, best edition), 1968;
Austin, U. of Texas Press (reprint), 1983; Austin, U. of Texas
(paperback), 1983.
- [190-504] Solms-Braunfels, Prince C. , Texas: Geschildert
in Beziehung auf Seine Geographischen..., Frankfurtam Main,
Sauerlander's Verlag, 1846.
- [190a-504] Solms-Braunfels, , Texas: 1844-1845,
Houston, Anson Jones Press (1st. English, also remainder print
set), 1936.
- [191-506] Sonnichsen, C. L., Pass of the North:
Four Centuries on the Rio Grande, El Paso, Tex. Western Press
(2 vol.), 1968/80; 2nd, 3rd & 4th printings.
- [192-509] Sowell, A. J., Rangers and Pioneers of
Texas, with a Concise Account..., San Antonio, Shepard Bros.
& Co., 1884; Seguin, Seguin Enterprise (selected chapters), 1936;
New York, Argosy-Antiquarian (facsimile), 1964.
- [193-511] Sowell, A. J., Early Settlers and Indian
Fighters of Soutwest Texas..., Austin, Ben C. Jones & Co.,
1900; Austin, Ben C. Jones & Co. (variations), n.d.; New York,
Argosy-Antiquarian (facsimile), 1964.
- [194-513] Spaight, A. W., The Resources, Soil,
and Climate of Texas: Report of ..., Galveston, A. H. Belo
& Co., 1882.
- [195-514] Spell, L. M., Music in Texas: A Survey
of One Aspect of Cultural Progress, Austin, n.p., 1936; New
York, AMS Press (facsimile), 1973.
- [196-516] Spratt, J. S., The Road to Spindletop:
Economic Change in Texas, ..., Dallas, So. Methodist Univ.
Press, 1955; Austin, U. of Texas Press (paperback), 1970.
- [197-518] Stapp, W. P., The Prisoners of Perote:
Containing a Journal Kept by..., Philadelphia, G. B. Zieber
& Co., 1845; Austin, Steck Co. (facsimile), 1935; Austin, U.
of Texas Press (reprint), 1977.
- [197a-518] Stapp, W. P., The Prisoners of Perote:
Story of the Mier Expedition, La Grange, La Grange Journal
(reprint), 1933 (textually unreliable).
- [198-521] Sterne, Adolphus, Hurrah for Texas! The
Diary of Adolphus Sterne, 1838-1851, Waco, Texian Press,
- [199-523] Stiff, Edward, The Texan Emigrant: Being
a Narration of the Adventures..., Cincinnati, George Conclin,
1840; Waco, Texian Press, 1968.
- [199a-523] Stiff, Edward, A New History of Texas....
Down to the Present Time: and..., Cincinnati, G. Conclin,
- [199b-523] Stiff, Edward, A New History of Texas....Taking
of Monterey, the Battle..., Cincinnati, G. Conclin, 1847;
Also 1848 & 1849.
- [199c-523] Stiff, Edward, A New History of Texas...Battle
of Cerro Gordo, with an ..., Cincinnati, H. M. Rulison, 1857.
- [200-526] Sullivan, W. J. L., Twelve Years in the
Saddle for Law & Order on the ..., Austin, Von Boeckmann-Jones,
1909; New York, Buffalo-Head Press (facsimile), 1966.
- [201-528] Sweet, A. E. & Knox, On a Mexican Mustang,
Through Texas, from the Gulf to..., Hartford (Conn.), S.
S. Scranton & Co., 1883; London, Chatto & Windus, 1884; Chicago,
Rand, McNally & Co., 1891, also 1892; Chicago, Rand, McNally
& Co., c1901; London, Chatto & Windus, 1905; New York, Ogilvie,
- [201a-528] Sweet, A. E. & Knox, Humoristische Reise
durch Texas von Galveston bis ..., Jena, H. Costenoble, 1884.
Go to A-B, C-D,
E-F, G-H,
J-K, L-M,
N-O-P, T/Z.