Jenkins, J. H., Basic Texas Books
Austin, Jenkins Publishing Co, 1983.
224 Essential books for a Texas Research Library, most published
before 1940. See Jenkin's book for an annotated entry on each
selection. Item number and page number noted in the brackets [--].
Page 1 of 9
- [No.1, p.1]: Alessio Robles, V., Coahuila Y Texas
en las Epoca Colonial, Mexico, Editorial Cultvra, 1938.
- [No.1a, p.1]: Alessio Robles, Coahuila & Texas
Desde La Consumacion...., Mexico, Talleres Grafico (2 volumes),
- [No.2, p.3]: Almonte, J. N., Noticia Estadistica
Sobre Tejas, Mexico, Impreso por...., 1835; (English translation
by C. E. Castaneda), Southwest Historical Quarterly:28-177,
Jan., 1925.
- [No.3, p.5]: Atwood, E. B.,The Regional vocabulary
of Texas, Austin, Univeristy of Texas Press, 1962; Austin,
2nd Ed., UT Press, 1969; Austin, UT Press (paperback), 1975.
- [No.4, p.7]: Austin, S. F., The Austin Papers,
Washington, US Govt Print Office (4 volumes), 1924-28.
- [No.5, p.9]: Baker, D. E., A Texas Scrap-Book..........,
New York, A. S. Barnes, 1875; New York, Barnes (reprint), 1887;
Austin, Steck (facsimile), 1935; Austin, Texas State Historical
Association (paperback), 1991.
- [No.6, p.12]: Bancroft, R. H., History of the North
Mexican states & Texas, San Francisco, Bancroft (2 volumes),
1883; San Francisco, The History Co., 1889; New York, Arno Press
(facsimile), 1967.
- [No.7, p.14]: Barker, E. C., The Life of Stephen
F. Austin, Founder......., Nashville, Cokesbury Press, 1925;
Austin, Texas State Historical Association, 1945; New York, DaCapo
Press (facsimile), 1968; New York, DeCapo (paperback), 1969;
New York, AMS Press(facsimile), 1970.
- [No.8, p.18]: Barker, E. C.,Mexico & Texas, 1821-35........,
Dallas, P. L. Turner, 1928; New York, Russell & Russell (facsimile),
- [No.9, p.21]: Barker, N. N., The French Legation
in Texas, Austin, Texas State Historical Association (2 vol.),
- [No.10, p.24]: Barr, A., Black Texans..... 1528-1971,
Austin, Jenkins/Pemberton Press, 1973.
- [No.11, p.26]: Barry, J. B., A Texas Ranger.....Buck
Barry...1845-1906, Dallas, Southwest Press, 1932; Waco, Friends
of the Moody Texas Ranger Library, 1978.
- [No.12, p.30]: Bartlett, J. R., Personal Narrative...1851-53,
New York, D. Appleton & Co. (2 vol.), 1854; New York, Appleton
(1 vol. ed.), 1865; Chicago, Rio Grande Press (facsimile), 1965.
- [No.13, p.32]: Bedichek, R., Adventures with a
Texas Naturalist, Garden City, Doubleday, 1947; Austin, University
of Texas Press (revision), 1961, 1966, 1980; Austin, UT Press
(paperback), 1961.
- [No.14, p.34]: Berlandier, J. L., Diario De Viage.......Manuel
de Mier Y Teran, Mexico, Tipografia, 1850; Mexico, Vargas,
- [No.14a, p.34]: Berlandier, J. L.,The Indians of
Texas in 1830, Washington, Smithsonian, 1969.
- [No.14b, p.34]: Berlandier, J. L., Journey to Mexico
during ...1826-1834, Austin, TSHA (2 vol.), 1980.
- [No.15, p.37]: Biesele, R. L., The History of the
German Settlements in Texas, Austin, Von Boeckmann, 1930;
Austin, (facsimile reprint), 1964.
- [No.16, p41]: Binkley, W. C., The Expansionist
Movement in Texas, 1836-50, Berkeley, U. of California, 1925;
New York, DaCapo Press (facsimile), 1970.
- [No.17, p.42]: Blessington, J. P., The Campaigns
of Walker's Texas Division, New York, Lange, Little & Co.,
1875; Austin, Pemberton Press(facsimile), 1968.
- [No.18, p.45]: Bollaert, W., William Bollaert's
Texas, Norman, U. of Oklahoma, 1956.
- [No.19, p.47]: Bolton, H. E., Spanish Exploration
in the Southwest, 1542-1706, New York, Chas. Scribner's Sons,
1916; New York, Scribner, 1925; New York, Barnes & Noble, 1959.
- [No.20, p.49]: Bolton, H. E., Texas in the Middle
18th Cent...., Berkeley, U. of California, 1915; New York,
Russell & Russell, 1962; Austin, TSHA, 1970; Austin, TSHA (paperback),
1970; New York, Millwood (facsimile), 1974.
- [No.21, p.51]: Bracht, V. F., Texas im Jahre 1848,
....., Elberfeld and Iserlohn, Julius Baedeker, 1849.
- [No.21a, p.51]: Bracht, V. F., Texas in 1848,
San Antonio, Naylor Printing, 1931.
- [No.22, p.54]: Brown, J. H., History of Texas,
from 1685-1892, St. Louis, Becktold & Co. (2 vol.), 1892;
Austin, Pemberton, (facsimile), 1970.
- [No.23, p.57]: Brown, J. H., Indian Wars & Pioneers
of Texas, Austin, L. E. Daniell, 1896; Easley, Southern Historical
Press (facsimile), 1978.
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