Mary Marguerite Wesney Pomeroy

Marguerite was one of those wonderful people who are the "glue" that keeps everything together. She never sought the limelight and would be uncomfortable if you singled her out for her contributions. As the song goes, "she was the wind beneath our wings." Her son wrote this brief history so that her final caregivers would know her better. This is her obituary. Her granddaughter wrote this eulogy for her funeral service. The local newspaper wrote this tribute at her passing. And these ( Lessons from Marguerite) are some of her collected thoughts that were published by her granddaughter. We share these with you so that you might know a little something about an ordinary person who spent her life simply loving her family and friends. For all of the bad that goes on in our world today, we should not overlook the good that some many people do that never make the headlines. Thank you for spending a little time with her.

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