Colonial & Republic Histories

Jenkins' Basic Texas Books
plus a few other recent publications
A-E, F-K, L-M, N-S, T-Z


Austin, Stephen F., The Austin Papers, Washington, US Govt. Print Office (4 volumes), 1924-28. (J-4) A

Baker, DeWitt Clinton, A Texas Scrap-Book.........., New York, A. S. Barnes, 1875; New York, Barnes (reprint), 1887; Austin, Steck (facsimile), 1935; Austin, Texas State Historical Association (paperback), 1991. (J-5) B

Bancroft, Hubert Howe, History of the North Mexican States and Texas, 1531-1889, San Francisco, A. L. Bancroft & Co., 1883, 1889, 2 volumes. (J-6) A

Barker, Eugene Campbell, The Life of Stephen F. Austin, Founder......., Nashville, Cokesbury Press, 1925; Austin, Texas State Historical Association, 1945; New York, DaCapo Press (facsimile), 1968; New York, DeCapo (paperback), 1969; New York, AMS Press (facsimile), 1970. (J-7) A

Barker, Eugene Campbell, Mexico and Texas, 1821-1835, Dallas, P. L. Turner Co., 1928 (J-8) A

Bollaert, William, William Bollaert's Texas, Norman, U. of Oklahoma, 1956. (J-18) B

Brown, John Henry, History of Texas, from 1685-1892, St. Louis, Becktold Co. (2 vol.), 1892; Austin, Pemberton, (facsimile), 1970. (J-22) B

Brown, John Henry, Indian Wars and Pioneers of Texas, Austin, L. E. Daniell, 1896. (J-23) A

Cantrell, Gregg, Stephen F. Austin, Empresario of Texas, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1999. (Published after Jenkins)

Castaneda, Carlos Eduardo, Our Catholic Heritage in Texas, 1519-1936, Austin, Von Boeckmann (7 vols.), 1936; New York, Arno (facsimile), 1976. (J-27) A

Castaneda, Carlos Eduardo, The Mexican Side of the Texas Revolution, by..., Dallas, Turner, 1928; Dallas, Turner (facsimile reprint), 1956; Austin, Graphic Ideas, 1970. Includes Vicente Filisola (J-61B), Ramon Martinez Caro (J-138A), Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna (J-180C) and Jose Urrea (J-207). A

Coleman, Robert M., Houston Displayed; or, Who Won the Battle of San Jacinto? ..., Velasco, 1837; Houston, Telegraph Office, 1841; Austin, Brick Row (w/ index), 1964. (J-31) A

Day, James M. compiler, The Texas Almanac, 1857-1873: A Compendium of..., Waco, Texian Press, 1967. (not in Jenkins as a compliation, but the individual years are listed in J-172) A

DeCordova, Jacob, Texas: Her resources and her public men..., Philadelphia, E. Crozet, 1858; Philadelphia, Lippincott (added index), 1858; Waco, Texian Press (facsimile), 1969. (J-38) B

De la Pena, Jose Enrique, With Santa Anna in Texas, College Station, Texas A & M University Press, 1975. (J-39) A

Dienst, Alex, The Navy of the Republic of Texas, 1835-1845, Temple, 1909 (J-42) A

Dixon, Sam Houston and Louis Wiltz Kemp, The Heroes of San Jacinto, Houston, The Anson Jones Press, 1932. (J-43) A

Dresel, Gustav, Gustav Dresel's Houston Journal: Adventures in North American and Texas, 1837-1841, Austin, University of Texas Press, 1954. (J-46) B

Duval, John Crittenden, Early Times in Texas, Austin, Gammel, 1892; Austin, Steck (facsimile of 1st. ed.), 1935; Dallas, Tardy, 1936; Austin, Steck (facsimile), 1967. (J-51) A

Edward, David Barnett, The History of Texas; or, the Emigrant's, Farmer's and Pliticaian's Guide ..., Cincinnati, James Co, 1836; Austin, Pemberton (facsimile), 1967 (J-53) A

Ehrenberg, Hermann, With Milam and Fannin: Adventures of a German Boy in Texas' Revolution, Dallas, Tardy Publishing, 1935. (J-54) A

Erath, George Bernard, Memoirs of Major George Bernard Erath, Austin, Texas State Historical Association, 1923. (J-58) A

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