Nance, Joseph Milton, After San Jacinto: The Texas-Mexican Frontier...(Vol.1), Austin, U. of Texas Press, 1963. And Nance, Joseph Milton, Attach and Counter-Attack: The Texas-Mex... (Vol.2), Austin, U. of Texas Press (second in a proposed 3 part/volume series), 1964. (J-149) A
Newcomb, William Wilmon, Jr, The Indians of Texas, from Prehistoric to Modern Times, Austin, University of Texas Press, 1961. (J-150) B
Newell, C., History of the Revolution in Texas, Particularly of..., New York, Wiley Putnam, 1838; Austin, Steck (facsimile), 1935; New York, Arno Press (facsimile), 1973. (J-151) A
Oberste, William Herman, Texas Irish Empresarios and their Colonies: Austin, Von Boeckmann-Jones Co, 1953. (J-156) B
Olmsted, Frederick Law , A Journey Through Texas; or, a Saddle-Trip on the ..., New York, Dix, Edwards Co., 1857; New York, Mason Bros (2nd), 1859; New York, Mason Bros (3rd), 1860; London, Sampson Low (first English ed.), 1859; Austin, Von Boeckmann-J, 1962; New York, Burt Franklin (facsimile), 1969; Austin, U. of Texas (facsimile), 1978; New York, Time-Life (facsimile), 1981. (J-157) A
Pickrell, Annie Doom, Pioneer Women in Texas, Austin, E. L. Steck Co, 1929. (J-161) A
Richardson, Rupert Norval, Texas, the Lone Star State, New York, Prentice-Hall, 1943; New York, Prentice-Hall (2nd printing), 1947; New York, Prentice-Hall (3rd printing), 1950; New York, Prentice-Hall (4th printing), 1953; New York, Prentice-Hall (5th printing), 1955; Englewood Cliffs (N.J.), Prentice-Hall (2nd ed.), 1958; Englewood Cliffs (N.J.), Prentice-Hall (3rd ed.), 1970. (J-171) B
Richardson, Willard and David Richardson, The Texas Almanac, for 1857, with Statistics, Historical..., Galveston, Richardson Co., 1856; new ed. each year until 1873. See Day above for Compilation. (J-172) A
Rives, George Lockhart, The United States and Mexico, 1821-1848: A History of the Relations , New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1913. (J-177) B
Santa Anna, Antonio Lopez de, "Manifesto of General Santa Anna." In United States Magazine and Democratice Review, vol. III, no. 12, December 1838, pp. 305-320 (J-180) A, but note that the bulk of this material is in Castaneda's The Mexican Side of the Texas Revolution which is noted above.
Schmitz, Joseph William, Texas Statecraft, 1836-1845, San Antonio, Naylor Co., 1941. (J-182) A
Smith, Ashbel, Reminiscences of the Texas Republic, ., Galveston, Historical Society of Galveston, 1876. (J-186) B
Smith, Justin Harvey, The Annexation of Texas, New York, The Baker and Taylor Co, 1911. (J-188) B
Smithwick, Noah, The Evolution of a State: or, Recollections of Old Texas Days, Austin, Gammel Book Co., 1900; plus 10 presentation copies; Austin, Steck Co (facsimile), c1935; Austin, Steck-Vaugh (w/ Day intro, best edition), 1968; Austin, U. of Texas Press (reprint), 1983; Austin, U. of Texas (paperback), 1983. (J-189) A
Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Austin, Texas State Historical Association, 1897-current. A
Sowell, Andrew Jackson, Rangers and Pioneers of Texas, .., San Antonio, Shepard Bros & Co, 1884. (J-192) A
Sowell, Andrew Jackson, Early Settlers and Indian Fighters
of Southwest Texas
, Austin, Ben C. Jones &
Co, 1900 (J-193) A
Spell, Lota Mae (Harrigan), Music in Texas: A survey of
one Aspect of Cultural Progress, Austin, N.P., 1936. (J-195)
Stapp, William Preston, The Prisoners of Perote: (Mier).. ,Philadelphia, G. B. Zieber and Co., 1845. (J-197) B
Sterne, Adolphus, Hurrah for Texas! The Diary of Adolphus Sterne, 1838-1851, Waco, Texian Press, 1969. (J-198) B
Stiff, Edward, A New History of Texas.... Down to the Present Time: and..., Cincinnati, G. Conclin, 1847. Also: Stiff, Edward, A New History of Texas....Taking of Monterey, the Battle..., Cincinnati, G. Conclin, 1847; Also 1848 1849. Also: Stiff, Edward, A New History of Texas...Battle of Cerro Gordo, with an ..., Cincinnati, H. M. Rulison, 1857. (J-199) B
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